Volca Burn
We finally have a crime in the Trump trial: Watters
Fox News host Jesse Watters discusses the details of Michael Cohen admitting to stealing from former President Trump on ‘Jesse …
Lol come on. So you telling us Trump doesn't steal an con. How many people has been ruined because Trump
funny they never showed how fast the crowd disappeared once trump started talking 🙂 lol!!! Paid audience obviously 😛
Tristan Lynn Lewis out of Oklahoma City is a big recruiter for the Gang Stalkers who are hitting American Citizens with V2K and needs to be investigated by Homeland Security
F James carvel ! No one in Louisiana likes his dumbass anyhow ! He needs to just go away !!
Trump is a lier and a thief so what's your point.
Fox News has been exposed as a dishonest organization terrified of its own audience
Fox lies like we all breathe
You need to be fired!,,
he stole idiot
You’ve shamed the Lord with depictions of a shell a man as a Messiah with not the strength to even be a man not alone a Messiah
You endorse for all the worlds to see weakness and Shane just so you’re constituents can get the tax cuts they need your soul is black it is the only thing you wear with honor
Look what you have reduced my country to you have people running around and diapers you’ are weak you are so pathetic
I prefer my president has not been indicted!
He signed off on it cause he is a DUM A$$ 😂😂😂
Trump was shaking his head? Must've been having a nightmare 😂😂😂 sleepy don, WAKE UP B!!!😂😂😂
Trump is a lying criminal and we all know it!!!!!!!!!!!
91 indictments to go.
I went down to the bank and told them I needed to balance my account. I thought they'd give me money. They just handed me a calculator. I don't understand.
Trump says stupid things like where the judge in his hush money case was born (but not raised). But you all defend that blatant racism.
Trump wants a "unified Reich". Fck that traitor.
James Carville looks like a Muppet that's been washed and dried on high.
If you think Micheal cohen stealing some years ago is the crime here… ide suggest you watch the trial
Lol traitor trump scared to testify. PAB coward draft dodger trump.
The stupidity is astoundingly entertaining though
Trump wasn’t paying Cohen for services rendered. Trump brings all of his problems on himself, and gets clowns to try to publicly explain his stupidity, because he’s too stoopid to do himself.
Don't sell your country with cypto
Criminal defendant Trump was INDICTED on EVIDENCE he committed a real crime . There was a real crime. Traitoe tTrumpo is on trial for a REAL crime. Period!
Guilty till proven innocent, Accourding to most career lying rotten to the core politicians in Washington.
The extremes Fox News tries to discredit anything negative about Trump you'd think they might be biased or lying to their viewers?
Jesse is a Trump a$$ licker!
For those that watch Fox News. They are lying to you. They have been found guilty of spreading false information and will again in the near future.
So funneling money through your business to keep your candidacy for president isn’t a crime?
Shame they don't have a drug to correct Trump derangement!