Volca Burn
GOP congressman defends Trump comments to Black Conservative Federation
ABC News’s Linsey Davis spoke with Rep. Byron Donalds (R-FL) after Donald Trump claimed Friday that Black people were “on …
I think blk conservative are the best pets to have 🤷🏻♂️ trump 2024
Please research "Project 25"….
Well done, and well said
Trump’s Platinum Plan claimed to increase investments in Black communities by creating Black-small businesses and jobs. DThe Pay Protection Plan (PPP) from the Small Business Administration left Black businesses out in the cold. Over 90% of Black-owned small businesses that applied for PPP funding were denied. This has led to over 40% of Black-owned small businesses being shuttered during COVID-19. These realities document a callousness towards Black business owners who already have difficulties securing loans for development, and if provided a loan, are more likely to be offered one at higher interest rates than similar white-owned businesses would obtain, thereby increasing their operating costs. If achieving racial equity were actually part of Trump’s agenda, the distribution of resources from the PPP would have explicitly included Black-and-other-minority-owned small businesses and would have allowed them to receive an equitable share.
See Ann Coulter
Biden makes 1 comment and people keep trying to take it seriously – yet Trump makes multiple racist comments and people keep saying he only jokes.
You black people are dumb just like to r white neighbors.your "friends" Look there's many Black folks willing to SELL OUT. WILLING TO throw their own in front of the bus.
Racism no longer exists
When you have black folks/people are standing for so called conservativism. When black folks stand with trump. Yes racism is still live and well . HOUSE SLAVE'S
Those that are with him don't and haven't gone though half the things a lot of us have gone through. He will never pick him, I hope he is holding his breath.
Love Byron's answers
Blessings to Byron
Trump has 91 criminal charges against him. Including sexual assault, rape, trying to overthrow the U.S. government, theft of top secret U.S. documents, fraud, trying to overturn an election. Would you let him run your household? Seriously folks. I think people are hypnotized by that oversized suit and that oversized tie that’s too long. Maintaining a fake image that people have been conditioned to look up to. Trump is a conman fraud. And WE aren’t, Voting for him.. WTF is wrong with some people in this country?. Plain stupid, who voted him in the first time. HELL YEA WE ARE BETTER OFF TODAY! Many people suffered and died under this dangerous man. U.S. military brass warned us how dangerous Trump is, next time we may not have their protection. People play too much, even with their own livelihoods. We had no toilet paper, wore masks, stayed in for two years, refrigerated trucks to store dead bodies on the street, businesses had to shut down, prices went up from supply shortages and his stupid tariffs, which they are now trying to blame Biden for. And he will cut your social security, etc. Having to turn the tv on EVERYDAY to see what stupid, evil thing Trump was going to do to us today. Even hearing that creepy voice. I hate the media covering him like he's a normal person. The media trying to control the narrative Nothing good came from Trump. Thats why millions voted him OUT. At least we have peace with Biden. The people that want him back to reign over them, must be either stupid or evil just like him. Hopefully people will get off their A#@S again, and keep this (_____) fill in the blank from taking control of us and our democracy again. Vote his enablers out also. Vote blue up and down the ballot folks.
This black man say that trump is trying to heal this country by saying ale them out and beat them up and make fun of people that are deformed now that’s not healing this country.
Actually I agree with Biden, what black man with any self respect would support someone who said "look at my african American" and "all racist groups stand by me" and sued for not renting to black people & why just african nations "shithole countries" ? Would still support him like his great white master would be accepted as a true black man or "brother" ever in our community & culture ? I personally have trouble thinking as a man at all . As Malcolm X said "As long as you look up to someone for acceptance he will always look down at you". And oh yeah "I can only see white people with lights on" or whatever.
😂😂 Hes playing in your face but all other organizations its serious business. What a joke !
THIS is who Trump should pick for VP NOT Ramaswamy who said the opposite on most things for YEARS and only changed when he ran! This is too serious to take a chance that Ramaswamy wont flip flop again!
Ive seen black Americans all over social media actually say they do relate to the gov coming down harder on them than others like they are Trump over other Politicians. So trump is right saying Some black Americans feel unfairly treated
So is left now saying Black Americans AREN’T treated unfairly? Thats all they talk about but when Trump says it its wrong?
Black 🖤🐈⬛ Americans citizens my sisters and brothers listen we are going to put 👑 King president Donald j trump back in the white house 🏠 vote red ♥️🍒 if you want your kids to have a future vote red ♥️🍒 if you want want your country back My peoples
I love his speech, guess what I’m a black man 😂😂😂😂😂
Trump 2024 ❤️🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸❤️
The Whitehouse was lying about his comments.
His full of it trump cult.
African vote Trump There are enough puppets of communist China in Africa, including Democrats who are committed to stealing elections, etc. Biden was selected not elected… Biden could never won Trump u go ahead and believe that he won trump clearly was stolen
In order for Trump to win he has to pry the black vote away from Biden. The most effective way to do this is to push Dr. Cornell West. Black people will flock to Mr. West, taking a larger percentage of the Black vote from Biden. Of course Cornell will not win, but Cornell's success is Biden's failure and then, Trump will take the White House. This is proper strategy for the Great Donald Trump.
The same “reporter” used the phrase “off color” when talking to black conservatives. RACIST! 🤣
“Beyond the pale”! Ouch lady, you racist!
What do you think you’re going to get out of ABC NEWS 😂😂
The same thing you’re going to get out of the mass media 🤔🤔
Huge me, sir Byron Donald's. I asked one request of you or 2. Continue standing with your American brother, Donald Trump and.
And fixed our public school's education system. So the stuff like this doesn't happen. We just lost 30 years of our country's history to this dope. Please
He's being targeted because he's a criminal.
YES, ABC all charges against Trump are Politically Motivated & so are your news reporting.
"If you don't vote for me, you ain't Black." — Joe Biden.
Targeted because he is a republican?? ummm we didnt Target Bush or his father and those sadly were the last two respectable Republicans weve had in our country
why am i not surprised a fellow black man from ' Florida ' would defend him, what a failed state LOL, i swear 90% of the republicans in this country are so delusional, i mean we are listening and watching an African American who has been bought trying to defend the orange man. BECAUSE HE IS A REPUBLICAN.. noooo my guy he is being targeted because he is a delusional psychopath like you cultist, or can we talk about how he tried to use something 4 years ago,, signs the republican party is falling apart inside out
This is sad to see this guy sucking up this is no joking matter. How do you sleep at night
How can any body believe the con game that trump lays down , this guy Byron Donald is a sellout and don't even stand up for black people shameful man him and Tim Scott such trash
First trump is a former president. This black man speaking here is a trump bitch.
No better example of organized crime than The Biden administration 😡
ABC are just nasty people 😡
This man has never really had any idea about what he is saying? …WINGNUT😂😂😂😂😂😂