Youtuber Benny Johnson ROBBED Live On Camera At In N Out Burger In Oakland California While Filming!
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As always I love you and your videos Melanie 😊!!! I met my Ship the USS Ranger CVA-61 in Alameda in 1974 and had to take a taxi to downtown Oakland to get a Bus to the Ship and California was awesome state back then 😊!!! But it's definitely going to Hell!!!
Could’ve gone to any other fast food spot but he decides to go to the hood to order food 😂yea definitely for content even if he didn’t plan on getting robbed, he knew what he was getting into and still took the chance
Oakland California tho😂he went to that fast food spot on purpose to get robbed to prove everyone right that cali is a lawless state😅🤦🏼♂️
You think this is a liberal problem? You still believe there is a difference between Republican and Democrat? I am over 60. The government has NEVER worked to build a safe and community oriented nation. Stop believing one party is good and one is bad. Don't agree? Enjoy the next 5 years of decay until the end. USA has zero chance because they kept the people separated by belief in fake parties.
Dude said he got robbed yet never even filed a police report. This is THE most staged thing ever.
Benny is actively known for spreading right wing misinformation.
Even outdated information.
Lol imagine robbing a car while a man with a 30,000 camera is directly next to ou.
I cant believe you people eat this crap up.
Create a problem then insist you need more recources.
I wonder who Oaklands mayor is..
I wonder.. are these her FWBs doing the crime
Get used to it becoming exponentially worse; other countries emptied their prisons, and Biden uses our money to ship them throughout the United States.
BTW, don't be nescient in believing "we voted THEM in", THEY use Voter Fraud to gain power, and the Judiciary to keep it.
How do you even know that the video wasn’t staged? This could be another jesse smollet type thing. Benny is well known to lie and plagiarize for “clout”. That is a documented fact
Welcome Welcome Mr Donald Trump you r a next president USA 🇺🇸 well done ❤❤❤❤100%,Mr Benny Johnson vp welcome ❤❤❤❤,
More funds for woke policies?!
Thank you I love your Channel
Can you honestly say that it actually happened? For one no 1 person stays and doesnt defend their property and another reason is what narrative would get more views!
People! People! Please stay away from California.
The problem is the fking NBC, CBS, ABC and CNN supported those who support these criminals.
Another fringe fake cerial box "journalist" that doesn't even post the original video for context and thinks her audience is phsycic……shes to worried about her makeup and appearance instead of making factualistic content….. these youtube capn crunch wannabe journalists need to be held to account
They need a plan first before asking for resources. Clearly what they are doing is not working it’s getting worse but as long as the citizens keep voting for democrats they will keep getting the same insanity so they can only blame themselves. Activists do not need to be politicians. Ever.
Bad leadership ! Bad government that letting all these robberies took over this state sad for all businesses owners pray 🙏🏾
Why are they calling the police!!
They want to defund the police right!!
So be your police I wouldn’t be in a hurry to show up either for a bunch of ungratefuls.
Small example of what lawlessness looks like.
One thing that is often overlooked is that people who make their living by breaking the law seldom make a big enough score to retire, SO as soon as the money runs out, they are back on the streets looking for more. This is why "no bail" policies are killing our cities. Do the politicians honestly think that while on bail, the felon will find a full-time job?
I stopped going to LA.
Politicians are crooks and liars! Remember that my grandfather would say as he limped into the kitchen from getting shot in World War II.
A hate crime again vommitted by blacks that never gets prosecuted as a hate crime. But dear God if the roles were reversed !!
This story is what they call a lie. The live footage just shows they didn’t get robbed
There was no break in. It’s fake, and set up. I am subbed to Benny’s channel but it’s 100% fake. I’m hoping their vehicle was broken into and they decided to reenact it, otherwise it means they deliberately smashed it for views. Go watch it again. Benny’s head turns at the sound of a window smashing, the camera pans a split second later but there’s nothing there, despite the report that a vehicle pulled and a struggle ensued for the backpack. Another damning point, in that shot when they pan to the vehicle, we see one of Benny’s staff filming from a different angle, 2 ft from the vehicle. We see a clip from that angle a moment later as Benny walks towards the car. That guy was standing 2 ft away, recording, but didn’t catch what happened somehow?
You and officer Tatum should do a collaboration
It’s not delusional it’s just fucked up here and yes these politicians are the real criminals.
I live downtown Seattle, same shii here. Starting to look like we have abandon buildings everywhere because so many businesses are gone. Just a BUNCH of drugs, homeless, crime and degeneracy. I absolutely REFUSE to vote for another Democrat. I've realized since Biden got into office that THEY are actually the racists and the ones who could care less about the people
I don’t think you can defund the police by increasing their budget. How does that work? If the police are not doing their job that’s a different matter. I’m sure the crime has nothing to do with the gas companies spiking the gas prices for no reason igniting inflation in everything. Crime is on the rise everywhere in all states. Of course crime is going to spike the most in the least draconian areas.
I love In-N-Out when i go to the west coast but i was under the impression they didnt franchise. All stores was company owned
Did he think it wouldn't happen to him when it happens multiple times a day!! He sounds kind of dumb. So is anyone who goes to in and out in Oakland. I think he's even covered the problem on his channel. Dumb just dumb… Or fake who knows these days…
You keep say we voted for it! No I didn’t… my vote is stolen from me WAKE UP! it’s establish my dumbass
Oakland and Los Angeles have fallen. So has New York City
Spend all of this money on a unsuccessful.We call stop voting for these people and you won't have to worry about spending money on a recall
50 yrs of decline since last Republican Mayor of Oakland
I see why normal people leave California!! We have to not give up and keep our Republic not give it away!!
Poor Benny … 😢 California is a libtard sh**hole because of DemonicRats … Trump 2024 🎉 save this country please 🙏
Only people tht are getting punishment is the victims
I just saw a short the other day of a guy brazenly stealing everything in what looked like maybe an Apple store or similar, and I think it was also in Oakland, CA. He was using his entire sweatpants as one huge pocket and was ripping all the merchandise off their anti-theft cables and stuffing all of it down his pants. Looked like several thousand dollars worth. Everyone just stood and watched. And he walked casually right by a police car parked right outside the store.
He knew that literally thousands of robberies had occured there,duh.
Unfortunately, until we close our border it won’t help to pay for more police 🙄
The judge has blood on her hands too! She needs to stop letting them out!
You need consequences!! You need republican judges! You need conservative leadership, you need no nonsense consequences for criminals, no slap on the wrist such as bail and release! Don’t play the “Race” card try using the Criminal card instead!! Color has nothing to do with it! Regardless of your circumstances, it doesn’t give you a right to be a criminal thief! Take Polk County Florida’s approach! Tell the people to protect themselves and take a gun safety course to improve your accuracy! You better get UNWOKE!!!!!!
i don’t feel bad for him. he’s stupid to go there knowing that it’s unsafe there and he thinks he can film and be untouched. he f around and found out that the news isn’t lying and the businesses leaving due to crime aren’t lying either.
It's all backfiring 😂
Thank Gaven Newson, Joe Biden and the Democratic party. California deserves what they voted for. Enjoy it because it's your own fault. NY is dealing with the same thing.
WTH 🤦🏼♀️
Do they not own guns there??