Xbox, Sony and Square Enix all had a very rough week | This Week In Videogames

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39 thoughts on “Xbox, Sony and Square Enix all had a very rough week | This Week In Videogames

  1. Interviewer:”if a game is good, shouldn’t the developement company be successful.”
    Bond:*Word salad that boils down to” I wasn’t prepared to answer that question because I don’t care about the people who lost their jobs.”

  2. back then ppl were saying "gamepass is really bad, ppl won't buy game anymore, they will just see if it's in gamepass or not"
    and fans were like "nah, I always buy my games on xbox".
    Steam and Nintendo just sit still do nothing to others and still win

  3. Well, it sure is disgusting to be firing lower level employees when you're making more money than ever, despite recent sales flops (which were the fault of upper management), but hey – AT LEAST SHE'S A BLACK WOMAN. So, Microsoft is still making the right decisions when it counts. YAY FOR EQUALITY!!!

  4. All these requirements for games, complications, potential advertising within games etc it’s all just turning gaming into cable and I quit watching tv for a reason.

    Backlog and emulators gonna be saving my ass, tired of this industry or the husk that’s left of it at these big companies.

  5. Oh, Square Enix isn’t doing too hot, despite launching some great titles? I don’t know too much about that, but Octopath 2 costs about 30% more in my third world country than it costs in USA.

  6. Thing is manscaped doesnt really work for hairy men, in the sense that you look down my bear rug of a lumberjack Tom Selleck chest and then hit this zone of baby bare skin, it's. WEIRD. Like really weird. I'm not gonna shave my chest for the sake of shaving my balls.

  7. The Ghost of Tsushima thing, while I understand being controversial, is a liiitle silly? IIRC, Legends was a 100% free addon after the full release. So unless they are charging for it now, specifically, technically, customers aren't actually missing out on anything by paying full price for the game. Obviously, I want people to get legends and be able to enjoy it. I'm just saying GoT the single-player story driven adventure is what the money is actually for.

  8. 28:09 It really was not "shadow dropped" and I am confused on why people keep saying this as they had a technical test openly announced with consistent and direct communication about an early access launch shortly after it ended

  9. The Bond interview was very telling, just not the way most people are saying.

    She gave earnest responses, albeit with some corporate accents.

    As an xbox fan I'm worried about its future. Bethesda and its lot desperately needed restructuring. The fact Tango made a good game is irrelevant next to established IP like Fallout, Elder Scrolls, and Doom. With Starfield being a steaming pile of out-dated mediocrity, those three remaining pillars are going to be the focus. They have to be.

    The same goes for Activision. A few small successes under the ABK umbrella won't make up for potential future failures of Call of Duty.

    Xbox needs to take control and put out great games to weather the storm.

  10. I love square enix games and plan on playing most of their new releases but there's so much going on right now in games I'm just holding off for a while, I'll bet FF7 rebirth will catch up in time because I imagine most gamers are feeling overwhelmed by the big releases this year.

  11. Does anyone know if Hellblade 2 is going to be on Gamepass? If so, is streaming an option? If so, does anyone know if the binaural audio that I'm assuming will be a part of this game as well will work, or will it be stereo, like the first game on Gamepass streaming?

    I'm not buying an Xbox to play it and I can't afford to upgrade my PC, so unless I can I can stream the game with binaural audio, I suppose I'll have to be in the "I hope it eventually comes to PS5" camp.

  12. Not surprised that Gamepass has stalled. Apple launched a game subscription service years ago and it’s merely a blip in their radar, Microsoft should have paid attention to that. Netflix game service has taken years to take off. There is a subscription service fatigue.

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