When Wearing A KKK Shirt To A Trump Rally Goes WRONG

PLEASE, WATCH THE VIDEO UNTIL THE END. Let’s have a healthy conversation in the comments section. ROAD TO 500K …


29 thoughts on “When Wearing A KKK Shirt To A Trump Rally Goes WRONG

  1. You are 100% absolutely correct!!!! Not that I just agree with you but you are saying it like it is!!
    Yeah Trump says what do you have to lose.” Where as Biden says you ain’t black if you don’t vote for him.

  2. It's not the action of getting that dude removed from causing aggression. It is the after action ounce this dude gets removed. Stop demonizing the sanitation working for cleaning a mess most folks talk about and not willing to handle.

  3. If trump wasn’t pandering to the Klan and Nazis, he would immediately disavow those groups loudly and clearly. All he needs do is stand up and say there’s no room in the Republican Party or MAGA for racists. Listening

  4. I bet you he’s not even an American. These people come to this country acting like they fight against something but refuse to fight against their own government in their own country they just flea.

  5. What are little Biden puppet and this person ain't got no heart for God. They think it's funny to do that in mockery. IT'S one thing to mock Trump but to mock our CREATOR its a whole different story. People better start waking up

  6. These morons don't even know the history of these racist organizations. The KKK was started after the democrats lost the Civil War as the military wing of the democratic party. You will not find a republican at a KKK rally.

  7. Historical the KKK was founded by the Democratic Party, therefore it’s quite obvious that the young man was paid to pull that stunt. I suppose this is the part of history that is erased from history books to suit the narrative of the Biden administration.

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