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44 thoughts on “Celebrity Gets DESTROYED For His DUMBEST VIDEO Yet!

  1. So this was a video of actors who formerly portrayed the president of the United States while someone else really was the president giving role advice to the actor who is currently portraying the president of the United States while someone else really is the president… how meta.

  2. The idiot narrating completely ruined this for me, Couldn't even really watch it because every time you think you're gonna get somewhere with it.He cuts in really believe stupid.Stupid stuff to can't follow it or focus on it because of his idiotic comments.So thumbs down

  3. These are also actors. They can spout off a bunch of written lines that don't mean crap to them, because they are just their lines to read. It is their profession to pretend. Keep that in mind.

  4. I have a lot of HOPE, I hope Trump is #47, I hope TDS is cured, I hope (this is like asking for a Unicorn) we have honest politicians, I hope we have informed citizens, it's ironic that in a time when so much information is at our fingertips, there are more misinformed idiots than ever.

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