Volca Burn
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I definitely will write off these dumb celebrities. Freeman did not.ime Biden, so what happened?
Least Jason Aldean and Brittany Aldean were smart enough to vote for Donald Trump and Brian Kelly too from Florida Georgia Line and his wife Trump 2024 let's go Brandon Trump train🇺🇸🦅 🚃
They ALL have one thing in common, the all were PRETEND presidents.
So this was a video of actors who formerly portrayed the president of the United States while someone else really was the president giving role advice to the actor who is currently portraying the president of the United States while someone else really is the president… how meta.
I’d be the day that I would start taking advice from a bunch of elite celebrities and Hollyweird Biden belongs in a nursing home dancy Obama Michelle all belong in jail with Clintons
Dude…. You weren’t kidding about the cringe ! 😣
America can’t cry from being angry, and broke. All these actors are not effected by Biden’s failure.
I thought Morgan was one of the good ones.
I shouldn’t be disappointed in Morgan Freeman but I am! I thought he had some common sense!
What is wrong with her accent 🤮
And that stumbling works genna Davis with that stupid accent
Freeman has never been free if under democrats…
Reading comments, seeng this clown with basball hat indoors… Seems idiocracy was not a movie, it was a prophecy…
Please tell me this did not really happen? The United States President is really asking help from the land of make believe and pedophiles!
Is Joe an actor too?
All the non elitist are crying every time we go shopping for food or fill up the gas tank
“ tell them you are there for them “ so he told him to lie
Why Morgan Freeman, why? And Bill Pullman? All hope is lost for me. This is not funny at all.
I’m surprised that Rob Reiner is not here
Dark Brandon kicked your fascist ASS HAHA guess the advice worked haha 😆
The idiot narrating completely ruined this for me, Couldn't even really watch it because every time you think you're gonna get somewhere with it.He cuts in really believe stupid.Stupid stuff to can't follow it or focus on it because of his idiotic comments.So thumbs down
Thi was gey
Biden was wondering when Miss Daisy's driver was president…
Wash DC is literally a freaking joke.
I just lost respect for Morgan freeman..
Its fun watching all the fool's being herded like sheep toward trump. Thinking he's not part of the establishment is really dumb.
That was complete cringe.
anyone got a bucket, I feel a gutful of puke rising.
Morgan is a big disappointment! Bummer!
These are also actors. They can spout off a bunch of written lines that don't mean crap to them, because they are just their lines to read. It is their profession to pretend. Keep that in mind.
That was depressing to watch because everyone in that video chat (except for Biden) knows that America is fucking doomed.
The crooked man with the crooked smile
He’s really getting advice from Actors/pretenders? Fitting.😵💫
Total hollyweird cringe. 🤮☠️🤡
He forgot Terry Crews, Mountain Dew Camacho
I have a lot of HOPE, I hope Trump is #47, I hope TDS is cured, I hope (this is like asking for a Unicorn) we have honest politicians, I hope we have informed citizens, it's ironic that in a time when so much information is at our fingertips, there are more misinformed idiots than ever.
The state of the address, lol what a shyt show that was.
Thanks for a roster of more morons I will never give a nickel to see. This was cringe squared.
Please please please elect biden again so i can keep laughing at America 😂
I myself can not Financially do one more year under Joe Biden, let alone four more weeks.
Fake Presidents giving a fake President advise is so Liberal.
He use the same method 5 years ago. He got the avengers cast in his video calls to get more viewers.
All these presidents have two things in common they’re all fake and never wrote a speech for their self!