Trish Regan: Socialism is not sustainable
Trish Regan says that there is a danger in Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s (D-N.Y.) populous socialist rhetoric and that socialism …
Trish Regan says that there is a danger in Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s (D-N.Y.) populous socialist rhetoric and that socialism …
We are going to be doomed in the next 4 years if Trump doesnt win his court cases.
Simple statements from a moron sound amazing to other uninformed morons so we must keep a close watch
Am I the only one obsessed with her nostril …here?
This is the fall of Capitalist America and the rest of the White World and, the rise of Socialist China!
Cortez 👎
Socialism every body survives but nobody thrives.
Socialism is like swallowing a needle and trying to pull it out. Easy going in, hard coming out.
That’s why she will fail this economy, she’s afraid to take “risk” all though we’d like to take as low risks as possible but this lady just doesn’t know what a risk is, “25,000 jobs is it?” She’s so biased that she forgets the potential good those jobs have on queens let alone America as a whole, I’m 18 and I could see the economic boom that is following when businesses like Amazon want to invest in cities like queens,but unfortunately democrats have a different agenda than allowing America flourish as it should..
Trish Regan is unbelievably beautiful. To be that brilliant and that beautiful is one hell of a combination for any woman to have. I love Ms. Regan.
AOC and Bernie Sanders are not socialists. They're communists and that's why they are scary. Communist dictators have killed more than 75 million people in the last 100 years. What would Bernie or AOC do to right wingers if they had full power?
Trish is the best!
She's like a Mexican mom that's over protective and won't let her kids do shit that makes sense.
"They said 25,000 job. Is it?" I know kindergarten kids who are more articulate.
25000 reasons to vote her out!
Fuck the left
You know what her problem is she thinks she’s smarter than everybody else she’s dumb as hell.
A pc is a pos She already killed more jobs than any other person in history and threw away billions is dollars stupid twit…
Aoc is right. Amazon would of brought high rent everywhere that’s what happened in Sacramento California
You dont need to understand economy and commerce to get elected. A person just needs to be anti-white and really good at writing bullshit on Twitter.
Socialist idiot. She needs to go back and re-do her economics degree.
There's very little details that you didn't understand about the jobs either way New York has lost major and there's no turning around on that
The cult of the collective is the religion for atheists. It requires intense indoctrination, sustained gullibility and ignorance of human nature.
You have to actually produce something to fund a civilization. Red Cortez thinks it all runs on magic.
If whites are inevitably going to disappear, and this is celebrated, what genetic interest do I have in preserving economic solvency in America?
They say it was 25k jobs. Like issss itt. Gawwwd shes so stupid and her voice is so annoying
The systematic dumbing down of America's youth via the socialized bureaucratic jungle that is public education has created AOC and the little baby chicks who are clamoring for globalism and socialism. Anti capitalist ideas are nothing but destructive.
What is she missing?
A brain to start with!
Can we please have Trish Regan here in England?
Hot,gorgeous,smart and patriotic-we need that here!
Dam! Trish is a BAAAD B!😎
Socialism works really well at destroying countries.
Trish Regan is no expert on neither the definition of socialism, or whether socialism is sustainable. Trish thinks that the government supplying highways, national parks and law and order is unsustainable socialism. Trish can't explain how taxes for government services have been levied since the time of the Pharoahs. Apparently, collecting taxes and supplying government services for 3000 years is her proof that socialism is unsustainable!!! Lol
1:10 LOL She killed it. Hahaha Planet earth.
Socialism is just another Ponzi scheme…
Her face in the thumbnail 🐴👹😂
Trish Regan just called out AOC to an economic debate …well that's sexist..
LMAO and this is JUST the beginning. Cortez is going to destroy the Democratic party. Let her run new York into the ground. Some people must learn the hard way.
There's a new book called Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Wants to Stop Cows from Farting