Top 4 OVERRATED Exercises (Do These Instead!)

Stop wasting time on overrated and ineffective exercises. Learn about four exercises you should avoid and what you should do …


27 thoughts on “Top 4 OVERRATED Exercises (Do These Instead!)

  1. So that lat pull down he's doing in the beginning with the bar behind the head. Is that a better form than doing a wide grip and going to the chest? That's how I do mine, like im mimicking a pull up, but on a machine is that a better way to do it to isolate the traps and really get a burn there?

  2. I must admit, i am that guy that waives the dumbells side to side but I do it for the stretch, and of course gravity pushes the dumbells down constantly so I feel like it helps warm up my rotator cuff. I broke my left collar bone years ago and i’ve always had left shoulder pain and this definitely helps a lot

  3. From someone who’s neglected front delts for years to then training them rigorously. Definitely do not neglect them you won’t beleive how round and full your delts look when you isolate all three heads. Doesn’t even have to be on the same day as long as they get some direct stimulus throughout the week.

  4. Externally rotating with dumbbells requires a nonzero force to accelerate and then decelerate them. This is why doing the exercise faster is more difficult. Still a bad exercise though

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