This is What You Need To Eat for the “D” | The Top 3 Foods For Your Erection

Today I want to talk about the top 3 foods that you should be eating to give you the confidence and E-Power to get and stay stiff!


29 thoughts on “This is What You Need To Eat for the “D” | The Top 3 Foods For Your Erection

  1. Added these to my shopping list lol… Question regarding watermelon: I heard / read that eating the skin of watermelon also helps maintain an erection, is this true?

    And also Celery helps with bigger loads… any truth these?

  2. Yes beat juice seeds water melon Iam 64 I take this 2 a month no more Ed when I get together with my wife it's on for a hour and ready for round 2 but my wife will have no part of round 2 she said you are to strong and last to long for her she is 63.😮

  3. Just to make sure i was eating pumpkin seeds i had to double check coz it’s been in daily consumption but no obvious changes occurred same with watermelon 😢

  4. Beetroot is also highly recommended, but, as a long term dietitian , my recommendation is to learn the foods that damage your manhood. Unless you cancel those bad foods from your diet, these helpful foods won’t work. Example. Processed foods. White bread. Caffeine. Alcohol. Energy drinks and sodas. All of these will cause ED. Cancel them first. Then the superfoods will work. 👍🌟

  5. i eat a lot non-boiled spinach, should i be worried about oxalates and the illnesses you mentioned. i eat this most days as part of my lunch. also make smoothies with it on the weekend?

  6. Arugula is not called “rocket” in European countries. Only in English-speaking UK & Ireland.
    We have many different languages in Europe, e.g. it’s called “rucola” in Italy or Germany. 😉

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