This Discovery in Turkey Scares Scientists

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50 thoughts on “This Discovery in Turkey Scares Scientists

  1. They make make-up n ow to make more money. Just like medication…. For example- say you have anxiety , they want you to take a pill made of gmo , and man made bs, but you can just drink some chamomile tea… or melatonin…. they made people think natural stuff was "witchcraft" . And still say "drs dont recommend " but , the drs recommend stuff made in a lab- this is our capitalist society- and this is why we are not growing….Ancestors knew WAY more – and we believe the big drug companies, anything on tv, and everything on the internet smh…..

  2. I loooove books. Went through a very ill health period. If i read a book when tired and lying down, i got strong enough to work more. If i did digital or TV, I never got better. So i was reading a book a day then.

  3. The Ancient’s of the pass never died off, these people generationally have moved through time. All that we do or own such as the makeup have been passed down through generations this is why they stay rich and famous and control all that we do.

  4. None of those discoveries to do with turkey or the turks, they belong to the indigenous people lived and are still living on their land, before the invasion of the tribes coming from magnolia.

  5. I love real books 📚. I have a tall bookshelf full of books that I love to read. I also love the smell they have, and I take good care of my books. I'm old school and proud of being old school.❤

  6. I Absolutely Agree about the make up, and going back to old ways to protect our skin. Even our bodies, I do tinctures out of fresh herbs and alcohol. So I’m all about going back to Natural. ❤

  7. Animals wild or pets, domesticated or not are always freaky to Me. My dog is frustrating, cat is… an annoying cat. But I love’em. I’ve helped 4 Turtles off the road on Campus and blocked traffic for our geese with their goslings at work. Fun year so far.

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