They Are Going Into Panic Mode Now!

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50 thoughts on “They Are Going Into Panic Mode Now!

  1. Yes and I would agree that the Democratic party does not have our best interests in mind but how does that mean that the Republicans do don't be so short-sighted the two sides of the same coin it's like the district attorney and the public defender they got the same boss wake up people either side of this government is going to continue the same with the African American it is world wide

  2. The economy is great for immigrants who come from other countries and drain our economy they say it won't be no more Social Security well why are you giving Social Security to people from other countries who did not put into Social Security they do not deserve Social Security you have done everything for every race but black people and you continue to hurt us now you continue to try to keep us in slavery you treat all of those immigrants that came here better than us that's what it's like to be the most hated people on the planet I can't even trust white people that say they like black people

  3. Take your A- – kissing self back to the plantion, I want to know how much they are paying you to be a sale out. Why can't you use your platform to help build up the community of the black man.

  4. If you only knew who started the Democrats, I'll give you a clue its the 11th letter of the alphabet 3× If you figured out that easy clue then you can guess who was apart of the Republicans before the Democrats tricked us to be democratic to keep us down. Look up history people

  5. DEMONcrats even pander and insult when trying to explain what's happening, I e "Black men must be relating to the oppression and victimization Trump feels from the legal system." Maybe, just maybe black men are able to recognize a decrepit, senile old white segregationist con-artist when they see one.

  6. The Biden admin moved back the ban on menthol cigarettes until after the election. Like only black folks smoke menthol. Biden is a pandering racist that only loves himself.

  7. If Biden wasnt all jacked up on whatever his staff is feeding him making him somewhat coherant; he'd be rooling around in a wheelchair and drooling all over himself.

  8. Personally I have no serious problem with legalizing weed.
    My problem is if he does it by either Executive order or through an Administrative action.
    If it is done, it should be by VOTE in the Houses of Congress.

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