The Peekaboo Weave – drills to improve your skills
Check out my Peek A Boo Fundamental’s Course Here Music By: …
Check out my Peek A Boo Fundamental’s Course Here Music By: …
weaving while sparring is literally the definition of joy 😂
Im ready im focused every weave type
The Style of ghost
Saving this 🙌🏽
I put down my fists years ago.
And bought a gun.
Terrible form to say the least. Nothing like Tyson at all.
That ain't it,everyone's got a plan until they get punched in the face,,,that's the slowest peek a boo ever bud,,,work on your core…your dragging your feet
I am too light.😢
Leg strength is imperative
It works!
Brilliant my brother 💯💯💯💯💯💯💯😎⭐⭐⭐⭐🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🌍🌎❤🌏
This guy looks just like Mike Tyson
Bro I love these moves……I got a fight in a few months and I need your advice on what I should work on.
He is rounded.
Чтобы бить как Тайсон ,нужно радиться Тайсоном
Cardio is needed more
so smooth man
imagine your ashe in R6
ستكون لك قوة أكثر إن تنقلت بجسمك بأكمله وصغرت أكثر من المسافة بين رجلين …..Déplacement avec v ou avec triangle isocèle….. La biomécanique du corp est obligé pour cette training
Wish i had the knees for it 😢😢
This man would SMOKE many folks in the streets 🥶😮💨
Nice video. Thank . But more importantly how can you explain like tempo and timing to them . Like a little kid dosent have "movment" anticapation . Fake outs . And hitting and making his opponent miss . Those are probably the most important concepts of fighting that and then soly relying on being aggresive . Moving around . More . A lot and just being aggressive and though fluid . woupd carry you and make you a good fighter .
Instructions clear. I am now Ippo Makunouchi
All way move towards your last punch
That's Not peekaboo yall…