The Peekaboo Weave – drills to improve your skills

Check out my Peek A Boo Fundamental’s Course Here Music By: …


27 thoughts on “The Peekaboo Weave – drills to improve your skills

  1. ستكون لك قوة أكثر إن تنقلت بجسمك بأكمله وصغرت أكثر من المسافة بين رجلين …..Déplacement avec v ou avec triangle isocèle….. La biomécanique du corp est obligé pour cette training

  2. Nice video. Thank . But more importantly how can you explain like tempo and timing to them . Like a little kid dosent have "movment" anticapation . Fake outs . And hitting and making his opponent miss . Those are probably the most important concepts of fighting that and then soly relying on being aggresive . Moving around . More . A lot and just being aggressive and though fluid . woupd carry you and make you a good fighter .

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