The Fastest Way to Get Stronger (WORKS EVERY TIME!)

Do you want to get stronger? In this video, I’m going to discuss the simplest way to do that by focusing on two things: compound …


48 thoughts on “The Fastest Way to Get Stronger (WORKS EVERY TIME!)

  1. NOTIFICATION SQUAD GIVEAWAY – Alright guys, I’m giving away a complete 30 Day Workout program to 100 lucky clickers within the first hour this video is published! Remember, this is NOT THE FIRST 100, but those randomly selected within the first hour the video is published. Click the link to see if you’ve won. No strings attached!

    If you don’t win, no worries. Just be sure you have your notifications turned on so you can get to my next video quickly and try again. Good luck and thanks for being a loyal subscriber…

  2. so I've been told I should avoid vertical push/pull (though she didn't say for how long…) since I have a hole in my rotator cuff (tore it back in November) – any suggestions on what to replace pullups and OHP with?

  3. Not sure if you know Mariusz Pudzianowski (5-time winner of World's Strongest Man), but he is a real athlete.

    Strong as hell but also very agile, and fast. He almost did splits, while being able to do 400kg squat. Always the best at moving weight in space, master of farmer's walk an power stairs.

  4. The Spectrum of Athletisism

    Frontal plane
    Transversal plane
    Corrective erxercises

    Add more if you know more

  5. Where can I find this kind of workout routine? I have been training for a year and over after a long gap. I have gained in strength. My main goal is to loose weight/ body fat. But my trainer in gym has only been working on isolation movement and I am sick of it. I want overall strength and atheletic ability. I used to be a sportsguy during my school days and was very atheletic. I am currently 5'3, 205 LBS. I am 43 and also a diabetic. How can I start this? Thanks.

  6. I really like the way that he explained the total body fitness between just lift weights and actually being functional. Many people do not train in a matter of function. I see it all the time at the gym. Guys trying to get strong and even over doing it at times. They never do push ups or pull ups, and I ve seen them get on a treadmill. They can lift 5 plates but couldn't run down the street without fainting. That is not a healthy strength in my book.

  7. I'm thinking about doing the following workout for a month or two to start. Any thoughts?

    1. Bench Press – Monday/Thurs
    2. Ohp, chin-ups, rows – Tues/Fri
    3. Squats and Deadlifts – Weds/Sat

    Help!!! 💪

  8. I made my own training routine and it's literally this video. Only because it was based on compound exercises which gives you the most bang for your buck. This training routine will get you so strong. My training is a bit more different now as it's pull monday, push tuesday, legs wednesday, pull thursday, push friday, legs saturday, pull sunday. You get the idea. Plus it includes accessories exercises, drop sets, using partial reps when training beyond failure. I've been on this routine for 3 years now. I would've been further ahead if not for the lockdowns of 18 months but I digress. My lifts now are 190KG deadlift, 160KG squat, 105KG Bench press, 115KG pull up.

    80KG bodyweight. Average height. 21 years old

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