The crowd TURNED ON HER when Tulsi Gabbard called her out on her CRAP!



46 thoughts on “The crowd TURNED ON HER when Tulsi Gabbard called her out on her CRAP!

  1. The female hosts on the view are dishonest and so firmly entrenched in the Left agenda that they have lost all credibility with most people. They have a small cadre of rabid fans who just parrot whatever the Left is lying about this week. The Women hosts of The View are without exception, unthinking tools of the Left. They often screech idiotic things that they clearly don’t understand. They are no longer influential as only the non-thinking Left adherents believe anything they say. Bitter, old, propagandist, Lefties aren’t very entertaining.

  2. Bro agree or disagree with her opinions but she literally fought for our country how could anyone who has never served their country call her a traitor? Why because she doesn't want to send our troops to die for a foreign government GTFO

  3. Tbe View needs to be cancelled and taken off TV that way Whiny Whoopi and Joyless Behar can leave the country come this November like they said they would in 2016 and 2020

  4. If I was that Spencer guy I would say "I would vote for the Democrat" and then ask why the media won't insinuate the Democrat is a white supremacist like they do to Republicans and independents

  5. I can't tell you how many times I've encountered women who get their political information from the View. It speaks volumes that a "political" show geared towards women is filled with such garbage information. This is the truth about women. The liars are naturally drawn to the lies.

  6. I never understand how the left always knows what the white nationalist say and/or think…. I have never heard of these people, let alone listen to anything they think 🤔. Maybe the people who know what the "white nationalist" say, are the "white nationalist"

  7. Tulsi's a woman of color, I'm a man of color, hell, I knew an albino man who was so white as to make him a man of color. We are all people of color. Why are we having to always consider race or color when we all are supposed to be equal? And why are there Hispanic Americans and African Americans, when we are all Just Americans? It's because the Marxist left can't take control over us unless we are divided. They seek to divide us and put us at odds against each other so that they can take control over us. So, they constantly seek ways to keep us at war with each other. The left is the reason for all the riots and all of the destruction that is taking place in America today. The Democrats have morphed into Marxist and have become the enemy of the United States.

  8. Tulsi for VP! Yes, many of her stances are against core values that many conservatives hold. Make no mistake she is a leftist in many ways. An America First Liberterian is the the way I would describe her. Politics is not a linear spectrum.

  9. So what color is she? She looks sorta pink with beige undertones to me. Maybe she's claiming to be Native American, like Pocahontas Warren.
    She shoulda stopped at American. I think wev'e all had enough of that identity politics crap.

  10. A "woman of color"? I know white is a color too (all of them, technically) but, wtf? See, shit like this is why i don't trust her. She still seems to think like a lefty.

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