The CHEAPEST Meal Plan to Lose Fat (HEALTHY & EASY)

Looking for cheap meal prep on a budget? This is the world’s cheapest healthy meal plan for fat loss, coming up to just over …


29 thoughts on “The CHEAPEST Meal Plan to Lose Fat (HEALTHY & EASY)

  1. before i start tracking my food. i didnt do breakfast. only lunch and dinner and late night snack. now im tracking my food doing 4meals a day. and i feel like im eating way more then i did before. and still a bit low around 2000kcal perday. and im 185cm – 82kg. they say i should eat around 2400-2500kg… and im like how?

  2. Alright after a week can anyone tell me if I'm losing weight too fast. I was 227 I believe either Sunday or Monday last week but then Monday night I was about 223. It's now next Monday and I'm about 220 (219. something). Just wondering if I'm losing weight too fast or not. I'm not fully following this doing my own version of it.

    God bless everyone.

  3. Man I hope you see this comment! This meal plan has been awesome for me and I’ve been using it for exactly 2 months with only four cheat meals a month.

    I’ve gone from 273lb to 253lb (6’3, 32yo) in that two months. I also go to the gym 4-5 days a week for 1 hour sessions! You’ve really helped me begin shaping my health.

    I would really LOVE if you made another one of these videos, but with an alternative meal plan (potentially also Vegetarian/Pescatarian friendly)! I gotta say while I don’t mind eating the same thing with a little different spices every day, it’s really starting to get boring lol.

  4. To new parents in the comment section struggling with the extra pounds: first don't beat yourself if you gained weight, times are hard, you are doing great, cut yourself some slack, you will have time to loose it when the little one grows a bit! Now for the food – 3 things – microwave, air-frier, freezer. Frozen food is your best friend for the next 2 years. You need your hands free to change nappies/clean pasta from the ceiling/put on a puppet show all while being on a zoom call with work? No problem – piece of frozen cod in the air frier, pouch of quinoa and pouch of green veg in the microwave. 10 min later you have balanced lunch, which you can now eat with one hand while rocking the little one for their nap, while reading an email on your phone. Overnight oats – spot on! But this banana and peanut butter – that's loooooads of calories. Mums – go super easy on it. Dads – go somewhere easy on it. Oh also – have you drank any water today? I know. So do yourself a favour and put loads of bottles around the house, that way you wont forget and you can sip all day. And please don't beat yourself you've only been to the gym once in the last weeks – you are raising a new human, you deserve a break! But if you really wanna keep up – get a baby backpack and preferebly something comfy. Dads – you can add extra weight on it. Mums – baby weight might be enough. Now do your 1h fast packed walk and I guaratee you the little rascal will snooze, while you will burn some serious calories. Also door pullup bar. Cost me 20 bucks – best home gym equpment ever, buy the one you can use for dips and L sits on the floor. Do 10 min every day and you are good! Finally – ofc you wont get the desired results as fast as you want. You sleep 4h a night! The fact you are able to watch a video is already a huge win! You are going great and I am wishing you all the luck in the world. It does get better and you will succeed in your personal and fitness journey! Sending hugs

  5. 5:43 For those of you with air fryers I found that taking it straight out of the freezer and putting it in the air fryer oven on 300F for 15 minutes ends up with a hot inside (melted cheese and all) and a crispy outside.

    God bless everyone.

  6. Doing my own similar version of this. I made three different kinds of burritos (breakfast, Chicken, and Ground Turkey). I used the mini wraps (about 130 calories each) and in total froze 52 of them and use them for my last meal (I usually eat about 2). For breakfast, I just try to make higher protein less carb like an an omelet or something and follow a similar route for my other meal.

    Just started yesterday so God willing will let you know about how many pounds I lose after a month.

    God bless everyone.

  7. Recommend putting the burito contents together in microwavable containers and then adding them to the wrap after as the ingredients make the wrap soggy when thawing out in my experience.

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