Secretary Of State Antony Blinken Testifies Before Senate Appopriations Committee

Secretary of State Antony Blinken testifies before the Senate Appropriations Committee. Fuel your success with Forbes.


42 thoughts on “Secretary Of State Antony Blinken Testifies Before Senate Appopriations Committee

  1. Blinken is not spreading democracy. He is spreading war and death. He is a Neocon seeking to spread hegemony. He did not answer Rand Paul's questions directly. His practice is to threaten and try to crush a country with sanctions. He represents pure evil.

  2. Ricketts looks like he has rickets. What an obsequious, maroon. His interaction with Blinkon was a planned propaganda script. Just disposable. How much did this cost AIPAC today ol’ boy.

  3. After 9/11, General Wesley Clark said one of the high ranking insiders at the Pentagon told him that “we are going into Iraq.” But why, Clarke asked, as they both knew Iraq had done nothing and had no WMD. The person at the Pentagon said, ”The US plans to take out 7 countries in the next 5 years”. They included: Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Sudan, Somalia and Iran. It’s taken over 5 years, but all except Iran have been paid visits marked by color revolutions, et. al
    Most have been touched and others, destroyed. Clearly, General Clarke didn’t see all the names that would make it on this list to come.

  4. The U.S. House of Representatives should cut down the part of the funding that the State Department has been using to give loaded spending cards to immigrants who are on their way to the U.S., starting at the Darien Gap in Panama. Also, the money needs to be cut that they use to fly immigrants in from outside of the U.S.

  5. However the ukraine is a communist country, with that beingsaid. The leaders in the ukrain hate their own people and keep them poor and broke. And we have been giving them billions of dollars and what have they done with it. The wife of the prime minister went on a shopping spree with american tax dollars.

  6. Get trump an videk in power they will fix all the problems Biden / Obama government created there will be peace again an the world will be a better place jail Obama the Clinton’s an Biden for life

  7. And you want to supposedly support ( rather change) other countries to democracy, yet an American who opposes your view and speaks out YOU HAVE THEM REMOVED.. BY FORCE.

  8. Blinkin wants to spend starving Americans money to put internet services in other countries WHILE MANY AMERICANS STILL DONT HAVE IT?

  9. I object
    There's no president during pandemic new world order laws in North America only appointed assigned Chiefs worldwide.
    If you disagree
    Then North American peoples also disagree with whatever you are trespassing for.
    Your opening statement is also an incomplete sentence, that means you have no legal receipt, case closed.
    None of your are appointed anything.
    Go get Trump

  10. We have known this about Fentanyl since 2020. What did Biden discuss with Chi? Close the Border end the flow. China owns land and ports in the U.S. and farmland in quite a few States rediculous.

  11. How can he lie there saying our economy is better, that we are stronger militarily, that we are more secure??? Why are we buddies with China and fighting in Ukraine against Russia when China and Russia are in alliance with each other.????
    We want to see accountability of every dollar in this budget, and every ‘loan’ given to Ukraine and others.

  12. How can he sit there and lie saying our economy is better, that we are stronger militarily, that we are more secure??? Why are we buddies with China and fighting in Ukraine against Russia when China and Russia are in alliance with each other.????
    We want to see accountability of every dollar in this budget, and every ‘loan’ given to Ukraine and others.

  13. Hamas started a war, the people in Gaza support Hamas' war with Israel, anything that happens to the people in Gaza is on Hamas, Israel should not care about it's enemies. If you support a war on Israel, you are the enemy of Israel. No one in Israel cares about them.

  14. They should have let Russia Join NATO when that was possible and it would have led to peace faster, but that would have hurt the Forever Wars that keep The Military Industrial Complex funded to the point they can't account for everything in any Audit ever done of them… Fix That! Actually support The American People First and Our Compromised Infrastructure!!

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