Science Nerd Exposes Pro Bodybuilders

Will mass monsters take my science-based lifting advice? The pros featured in this video: …


23 thoughts on “Science Nerd Exposes Pro Bodybuilders

  1. First tip for back recruitment should be using wrist straps. Sad u didnt tell anyone lol. Bc best way to improve recruitment is to lower those of other muscles… and as wrist straps there are same for pecs, legs etc

  2. Sometimes .. all this "science" dosen't mean shit! .. sometimes you just got to hit the Gym and keep it basic 🤷‍♂️ learn the basics, stretch, contraction, nutrition.. and you are good to go

  3. Nah bro, these people who are the real deal never EVER get offended if you approach them like a normal human being. They're so chill. And I think this is because they know how hard it is to get to where they are, and all the suffering and soul searching they had to do, made them get a higher level of perspective. It's always those who are willing to learn all the time that make it that far.

  4. You know what I love about your video? You busy misconceptions people have about these jacked people. We all knew they had discipline but their humility and willingness to learn is what makes them top of the chain

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