‘Save Australia, sack Chris Bowen’: Bolt slams Labor over energy debacle

Sky News host Andrew Bolt says the Labor government “can’t deny” their plan to “destroy” coal-fired power and replace it with …


44 thoughts on “‘Save Australia, sack Chris Bowen’: Bolt slams Labor over energy debacle

  1. Australia can have SMR nuclear reactors up and running in 2 years. SMR or small modular reactor has the capacity to produce about 300 megawatts of electricity 24/7 365 days of the year. Know it all Chris Bowan say's they don't work, that is why the US navy submarines and navy fleet use them.

  2. do Australians realize these FACTS> since albosleezy and his (MAFIA) mob got into power LIFE expectancy is down. birth rate is down our water is being poisoned. Parks around our suburbs are becoming cities for the homeless the security of the country is a joke. in the last 18 months everything has gone up in price by 200% if someone tries to tell you that inflation is running at 4 or 5 percent. start laughing at them. the price of gas elec petrol insurance ALL HAVE GONE UP UP UP expect more and more black outs its ok to sell china 80.000 tons of coal. Yet our power stations are being closed one after the other. Canberra should be swept clean of this communist disease

  3. Energy is no longer a debate. It’s a debacle. A disaster. An economic train wreck. Every cent of the increased cost to industry, agriculture, transport, construction etc is passed on to the consumer. We see it in the price of everything. We see it in the record number of businesses going under. It’s a pathetic, stinking mess. Bowen and the ALP ministers are utterly incompetent wreckers.

  4. In the realm of news and power play,
    Where debates ignite the dawn,
    Stands Andrew Bolt with fervent words,
    A call to action drawn.

    Upon the screen of Sky News bold,
    His voice rang clear and loud,
    “For heaven’s sake, sack Bowen now,”
    He cried, both fierce and proud.

    Chris Bowen, tasked with energy's reins,
    In Labor’s hand he steered,
    A vision bright with wind and sun,
    A future he revered.

    But lo, the plans that once seemed firm,
    Now faltered, met their plight,
    The Eraring coal-fired giant,
    Still stands within the night.

    Bolt’s critique, sharp as a blade,
    Cut through the policy’s seam,
    “Labor’s dreams of solar winds,
    Are now but broken dreams.”

    “Even Labor now must face the truth,
    Their strategy has failed,
    To destroy a system built on coal,
    By winds that never sailed.”

    The Eraring, with its mighty stacks,
    Keeps Australia’s lights aglow,
    A desperate deal to keep it on,
    As fears and doubts now grow.

    Bolt's rally cry for Bowen’s fall,
    Echoes through the land,
    A plea to save the power grid,
    And take a stronger stand.

    For in the game of politics,
    Where power shifts and sways,
    The call to sack a minister,
    Marks tumultuous days.

    So let the winds of change blow fierce,
    In Canberra's hallowed halls,
    As Andrew Bolt’s impassioned plea,
    Upon the nation falls.

    Not affiliated with Sky News

  5. Why why why we keep talking about how to get rid of politicians and buearocrats which are too stupid for the role they occupy ? Would make only good sense for all politicians to past a test to see if they are smart enough for the job, before any election.

  6. This bloke Bolt is poison. Get this trump style attack media out of australia. When does anything that this grubby doom merchant Bolt say actually happen. Never. But that is not the point. The aim is to make you angry and to not think about the issues carefully and sensibly. Angry little trump robots thibking it is fine to hate.

  7. Chissy Bowen doesn't know WHAT A WATT ACTUALLY IS. He is so ignorant and inexperienced he is dangerous and is inncharge of destroying Australia. He is good at that! His boss, the very LOW IQ Pekinese is clueless and UMMs &. AAHS & ERRs every time he is asked to speak or answer. What.a DUD. Whitlam was brilliant ny comaprison and we all know how bad he was. It os COMMUNISM IN ACTION.

  8. Please get rid of Chris Bowen and the Labor party! They should be charged with treason against the Australian people! Chris Bowen is the village idiot of Australian politics and should be sacked immediately!

  9. Our UN Puppet Politicians in Governments must increase spending on the replaceable industries, soon the ability of countries to sustain their electricity supplies will be a useful explanation of Climate Change, use the grand UN Puppet Australian Labor Politician traitor “Chris Bowen” as an example to the other 194 UN Member Country “Climate politician TRAITORS to their own people, of how to ignore protests from their citizens, increase spending on the Climate Change inventions, and the destruction of affordable electricity,

    But Sir, the High Priests at the World Economic Forum's United Nations insist that Carbon Dioxide must be stopped because they have had a vision of the earth with abundant CO2 and it is frighteningly green!

    Food and Water MUST be controlled by their UN Global Government! A planet where food crops do NOT need fertilizer to grow strong and healthy!

    Continue blaming CO2 for our Climate Change initiatives, failure to convince the children and young adults of our plan for their future will be unsustainable for wealth redistribution and destruction of Western economies.

  10. As thick as two planks and totally Pathetic.And you only get one guess who is going to pay for this 😮total debacle .yes you have that right .enjoy your Government handout to help pensioners and low income earners battling to keep up with the increase in prices due to the man made inflation and total stupidity.

  11. The labour Government is doing what Biden has and is doing to America .and on top of that selling prim Producing Land to Chinese companies,i].is is beyond adult comprehension when you have children running the government without a clue but all they say and dodging debate for their own game quite unbelievable is there still Australia or what left of it?.Period Amen

  12. I am a child Holocaust survivor and escaped Auschwitz only by being used as medical research test person as I have a very rare blood disorder as well as Scheuermann's diseases. A Nazi German medical person has used me as a guineapig for tests and medications.

    Nevertheless, I was handed over into countless orphanages and survived the Second World War and had later a French and Dutch foster family adopting me.

    To forget the pain and suffering, in the 1970th I decided to migrate to Australia to forget the past as Australia was far away from the newly upcoming racism and antisemitism in Europe. I saw Australia as a safe place to live for a Jewish person. How wrong was I! I had countless racist actions against me as soon as some former Nazis living in Australia migrating with Argentine passports found out that I was a Jew. I must admit that some of the Jewish community persons have not been supportive either.

    Now in 2024 we have a government that does not support Israel or the Jewish community in Australia as to political and electoral reasons. We have a very week prime minister, foreign minister and some other government persons that see Jews as second-class citizens and minority and prefer HAMAS supporters as they are plentiful as electoral targets.

    Nowadays, I am a very old and rather frail person, and I am scared to go out in the evenings as I had some encounters with antisemitism.

    In hindsight I regret coming to Australia and I see it was a bad foresight as over the years more and more Middle Eastern people and hate preachers turned up in Australia to show their hate against Jews.

    I watched the Frydenberg Documentary with tears in my eyes as it vividly reminded me that I lost my entire family in Auschwitz, and I am scared for my life now living in Australia. Thank you, Mr Albanese, Ms Penny Wong, and Mr Chris Bowen.

  13. Well done Chris Bowen you are a tool a tool i threw away many years ago surely that this country can not compete against cheaper made and a abundance of solar products but we seem to be heading that way what on earth Fing for to produce jobs but we are losing jobs because of the price of living wake up to yourself Mr. Bowen you're in a sinking boat and it is sinking fast what will you do we are fed up with you just wasting money on this stupid Dream if i lose power because of you i will be holding you accountable for everything i loose

  14. But the Liberals are also betting each way. "Firm up" solar and wind with nuclear???? You do not need solar and wind at all if you have nuclear.
    For goodness sake, just take a stand. There is no crisis to save using solar and wind. We should have upgraded our coal power – not destroyed it.
    Go all in for nuclear and the nation will elect you. Ignore the lunatic protestors.

  15. Unfortunately, great commentary and true reality.
    How stupid we are and more importetly it sims Labor and Green lunatics, dont care and will destroy energy saply despite all evidence of Green energy stupidity.
    Why we let tham do it I will never understand, definitely.
    We all Australians will pay catastrophic cost of living down the track and probably we deserve it .
    For God sake hoé stupid we are???
    🇺🇸❤️🤗🐖💯👍🇦🇺🌎 7:33

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