Rockstar’s EPIC FAIL! New GTA Online Anti Cheat UPDATE, DDOS Attacks & MORE! (New GTA5 Update)

Rockstar’s EPIC FAIL! New GTA Online Anti Cheat UPDATE, DDOS Attacks & MORE! (New GTA5 Update) SUBSCRIBE and …


41 thoughts on “Rockstar’s EPIC FAIL! New GTA Online Anti Cheat UPDATE, DDOS Attacks & MORE! (New GTA5 Update)

  1. Modders / Griefers should be looked at. Not people with modded money such as myself. I have a real account that I’ve made 300M on but for fucks sake, I got so possed off with the glitchyness of the game, I gave up. I officially retired and now am living out the rest of my days rich. They don’t fix shit.

  2. I was in the graveyard earlier and spooky music was playing for a short while and I found an open grave with no headstone, something could happen in the graveyard this year

  3. This is a lie the new anti cheat is a game changer i played 7 hours no kick no godmode nothing its a breath of fresh air all the videos putting it down are made by modders lol

  4. So I keep running into this bot/player rc10303. Its to the point where im done with gta 5. he joins your lobby and insta kills you over and over and till your crash, you cant even survive in passive because you'll got Dos or you game crashes. Can some please tell me how to report them, they are also in a clan of 7 witch is probably all the other bots in different session he over seeing.

  5. I don't get IT why people are mad when rockstar IS trying to Make The online To make more sense So what I mean is that you have to earn your levels and money honestly and not just buy the game and cheat as many levels and money as you want, it makes no sense. The game is made for playing not to ruin The whole idea in The game

  6. Yeah, I feel this battleye was a bad idea. I was quite looking forward to GTA 5 having cheaters removed from the game on the PC version. Cheats were the reason I moved to playing on the PS5 because of the lack of cheaters.

    Instead, I got banned for absolutely no reason. I logged in, went to the casino, spun the wheel, and logged out! I have had my account since launch, never used a mod menu, never hacked or cheated in any way shape or form hell  I've never even used 5M. I got hit with a ban for 30 days and my account wiped with over 1000 hours of 100 percent honest game time… 

    I don't even understand why this has happened. I even scanned my PC with malwarebytes and anti-virus software to make sure nothing was on my system.

    Such a shame. I was really hyped about the new up coming GTA 6, and now with the lack of support from Rockstar by basically telling me there's nothing they can do, I will not be purchasing any further products from them. Ban the cheaters, not the innocent.

  7. EILI5 if rockstar just found a way to remove cheaters then why do the rest of us still need battle eye ?! looks like with a little more work they could just put the ppl that want to mod in one Groupe and let the rest of us play without spy wear they are worth Billions they cant make this happen?! pay the right ppl and fix you shit!

  8. For a good while me and my friends have been playing with hacks.
    Why? Simple.
    First of all, GTA has an insane ammount of bugs.
    For example, my friend was delivering goods and his vehicle started floating being unmoveable, restarting would have made him lose his goods. So he opened the mod menu and teleported to the delivery location. This is just one of many examples of bugs breaking an objective and mod menu being the only fix.

    Second reason is playing in public lobbies. The number one thing I did was messing with modders who abused other non-cheating players. I would rain down a thousand cars on them until they just left.

    Anyways, with modders out of the way, I was thinking of buying steam version so I could do drifting on my deck with randoms which was honestly my absolute favourite thing to do. Showing off cars to each other and such.
    But now I find out Steam Deck users can no longer play online, because of the anti-cheat being configured badly

  9. I’ve been exclusively on Xbox Series X for the past 5 months due to modders making me 😠, but if Battle-eye helps even a little bit, it might be worth jumping back in.

    Do kinda miss jamming out to Self Radio. 📻

  10. but answer this truthfully, are you still going to buy gta 6 with all this going on? as for praising battleye you said it yourself its useless. and i've noticed that according to resource manager it takes up 9-10% of cpu usage while the game is running. thats a pretty big chunk. as for hackers not being able harass players that is wrong. 2 days after it launched i logged into a public lobby (by mistake) and was blown up with no one near and no message claiming orbital cannon killed me. i just blew up and destroyed my mk2.

  11. Could someone or multiple people tell rockstar to change the wheel spin timer to reset at 12 every night also so I can play the game on my schedule and not when I last spinner it. I doubt they will until more people say something.

  12. On friday when I started GTA Online I noticed that I wasn’t able to get out of offline mode and nobody reported anything about this news so I played GTA 4 over the weekend.

  13. I get that RS added anti cheat. But everyone keeps saying that it's because expanded & enhanced is coming to PC. What the HELL does one have to do with the other? I really don't see the connection 🤔

  14. I don't know if this is possible or a good idea, but how about a server or some type of sessions that let modders or cheaters are free to do whatever they want.
    Its just for them.if non cheaters or modders go there thats at their own risk.
    I haven't been keeping up with pc stuff since the 90s and only lately like last 6 months been playing on a Legion go.
    I syarted with a TRS 80 and Commodor 64.
    Last versionof Windows i used was XP.

  15. So your saying the coding for the NPC's driving into us, mass spawns blocking us or on the spot npc's spawning directly in front of you wasn't Rockstar's doing? FYI, I have NEVER CHEATED the entire time I have played the game. I don't care about the anti cheat! Screw Rockstar Games!

  16. I’ve seen the number of models went down a lot, maybe one or two now. There’s even been a modded i encountered that was helping the lobby by kicking the griefer modded out of the session. Other than trouble logging in, which just took me one restart a piece, its been a lot more fun to play. PvP is more balanced and the general vibes of lobbies isn’t one of outright random carnage.

  17. I played GTA on the built-in video card, in a resolution of 800 by 600, a month ago I bought a 1030 video card to play in full resolution, but because of the anti-cheat I have to play on a new video card in a resolution of 800 by 600. I deleted the game

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