PlayStation State Of Play 2024 Deep Dive – Luke Reacts

LINKS: — Luke Stephens is a Content-Creator and Streamer that co-streams on YouTube and …


41 thoughts on “PlayStation State Of Play 2024 Deep Dive – Luke Reacts

  1. 11:07 This "Why not?" shot really messes with me. It reminds me of the 90's cd-i live capture games, looking all LARPY and cheap. But it's all mocap, I'm sure. I don't get how that happens.

  2. Ive agreed with everything you've said so far… and then we got to Monster Hunter…. bruh lol…. I think you're overinflating the popularity of monster hunter games outside of Asia.

  3. I think these story based hero shooters could become huge one day. Right now the problem is grind. You're not advancing the story, you're just playing the same missions over and over and over and over again. That quickly burns out anyone with half a brain. Once the story and environments can be done by A.I. though, you'll never play the same mission twice. The AI could write 50 missions a day and create new arenas for each of them. It becomes a never ending story that you and your friends can play for hours a day, always getting something new. It won't be tomorrow, but I could see a concept like that happening in about 10 years.

  4. I wish developers put time into making cool, story driven games. It doesn't have to be amazing, but enough for the player to love the story and characters. Kinda like Hellblade.

  5. I had a phobia now everytime I'm seeing highbudget cutscenes and cinematics. Let's be real if they keep doing this, they should make a Movie instead.
    Just put the gameplay cuz nobody buys a game just to watch it.

  6. So their big game, Concord, is just a Guardians Of The Galaxy ripoff that’s wants to be Fortnight, but is afraid of the looter shooter moniker so they are spinning it as a narrative single-player, character/story driven experience? Yeah, we e never seen that before. It sounds like a banger that’ll make a killing at launch.

  7. These morons don't understand what they are doing. If you make cinematics, at a certian point, the players are going to want more story. all this movie sht they are doing is expensive af. Players don't want to play a world of war craft pay every month game just for 20 second cutscenes and playing in the exact same 5 to 10 maps……. bro THEY ARE SO STUPID

  8. Be honest with me I want u to look hard …isn't this a AI generated imitation of the guardian of the galaxy ….if u played the game look long and hard at the characters….I'm telling u this is AI trash ….

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