Pfizer is ‘deeply sorry’

Pfizer, bringing discredit to pharmaceutical industry …


35 thoughts on “Pfizer is ‘deeply sorry’

  1. If they were truly sorry, they’d put all that profit they made to addressing the medical issues that surfaced they ‘weren’t’ expecting and suspend the push for the vaccination

    That’s the obvious truth

  2. Deeply sorry don’t excuse em. The ‘rat’ needs bringing to justice along with the globalists. The whole vile story will be made public very soon.
    They ain’t getting away with their ill gotten gains. Shame on them for the racketeering and the effect it had on billions of ordinary people who aren’t full of malice and fell for the false promises of comfort they condescendingly issued for profiteering’s sake.
    We had antivirals and they worked for me-took 3weeks and four weeks recovery. Did they listen to those who wanted them supplied? No-you couldn’t even mention Ivermectin without being threatened by the cruel unified conspiracy scheme all to make the obscenely wealthy even richer while people suffered.

  3. I never got the jab. I wasn’t a candidate. This fiasco has totally created an antivaxer out of me. I will never allow them to give me another vaccine. The truth has been exposed.

  4. They owe each person a big some of money they have ruined lives and killed people.If they go broke thats wonderful they do not need to be in bussiness.Same foe the rest of pharma people

  5. I learned about the process of FDA approval in college. If I remember correctly, it was 7 years animal testing and then 5 years clinical trials on humans prior to FDA approval. Thank you, God, for discernment.

  6. Now can we imagine an autocratic, Nazi government being propped up by all the financial behemoths clamping down on the repeating, republishing, forwarding or dissemination of such info as is presented here by Dr Campbell? Not beyond imagination, I assure you!
    How many conscientious and knowledgeable people within the medical and pharma industries as well as the legal system and the media would have had to sacrifice long hours, which they could have spent just living their lives, to research, burn their brains over and put together the facts and figures necessary to make this complaint against the evil giant and its handmaidens in the government!
    It's so heartening to see them do it. I thought that they had already covered their arses by procuring immunity from legal challenges before they rolled out the malware!

  7. Number 1 psychopaths in the world today are the top billionaires/trillionaires whatever. I don't know about Elon Musk, but at least Bill Gates needs to be held accountable for this, along with all the top honchos of the big pharmas involved.
    Has anyone checked if these elite vaccine-pushers got vaccinated themselves?
    That would be plenty confirmation of their beliefs and intentions, I would guess.

  8. Pfizer and others push their agenda on the American and UK citizen giving buckets of money to FDA and well known leading doctors to turn all to the dark side. We need a overhaul on the approval format like an non financial independent panel to approve new drugs

  9. Healthy people who work out, get vitamin D, eat eggs, fruit and meat instead of marked up extruded chemical laden “food” should think clear enough to resist the Bio-N Wreck after a few quick searches. If too many go this route, the industry will collapse. Do you read WAPF?

  10. I began having seizures 4 days after getting the vaccine. To this day I have epilepsy, psoriasis, and arthritis all at the very old age of 22! Never in my life have I had a seizure, nor any auto immune disorder.

  11. Welcome back John you havnt appeared in my feed for about a month. I've been watching you since this scam began and observed your change in attitude as you realised what the truth is. Today, I can hear the glee in your voice as you finally get some vindication from this report. I thank God for all decent people including you and those Phyzer employees that have come clean

  12. My mum died of a blood clot after having Pfizer. I watched a colleague have a miscarriage at 28 weeks pregnant the night she had the Pfizer that afternoon. Because they said if she didn’t get it that she couldn’t come back to work.

  13. Health care is A big joke: They make only money with sick people by taking care of the symptoms but they don't care about delete the decease because it means less money when there is less deceases.

    Well, now there is lots of deceases but not real cure.

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