Pastor Leaves Trump Protester SPEECHLESS After THIS Response!


46 thoughts on “Pastor Leaves Trump Protester SPEECHLESS After THIS Response!

  1. I’m from Arizona. This man’s church is in Chandler, AZ and he approaches all kinds of people in all kinds of situations with this same type of love and kindness. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him have a conversation that becomes uncivilized.

  2. Pastor is correct, also the mother will become a victim a second time when she does abort the child. You can't do that and never think of it again. Rape is a very small percentage at play in what is actually going on today in abortion clinics. It is being used as birth control! It's wrong!

  3. I know a lady who was raped in college in the 70s. Her parents wanted her to get an abortion. A couple who didn’t know her at all gave her $25,000 cash so she wouldn’t get an abortion. After the baby was born they gave her another $25,000. She has three sons and her son from the rape is the one that she is closest with and has the strongest connection to.

  4. I think abortion should be allowed under certain circumstances such as rape or medical dangers to the mother, but late term abortion should not be otherwise be allowed.

  5. I can't get there on rape/incest. A girl/woman should have the option to choose in those extreme circumstances. Vehemently against abortion for any other reason.

  6. Trump had no choice to send the abortion issue back to the states because Christian or not we still have to abide by the constitution and the people are the ones who have to decide state by state, not Donald Trump. He would optically be bad look and the left would say that he is a dictator and he needs as much support from as many people as possible to win the election which has become a spiritual battle between good and evil. You might not agree with the decision but it was the best choice considering the circumstances because if Trump was more firm on that issue there's a greater chance he would lose support and we all would lose the spiritual battle in the end. You have to take your wins when you get them and learn to live to come back to fight another day

  7. It's not her body, it's not her DNA, it's not a part of her. That baby, which is not ONLY hers by the way, is it's own unique being. I don't care if you're religious or not. That's just factual, science-based reality. And as a woman living in modern times who does understand the lack of freedom that women had once upon a time in this country, I find it disgusting that women are treated like indiscrete morons. We have many, many choices (outside of violence) before a pregnancy even takes place. We're not hormonal apes with no choice but to breed. This is what progressives do. They project their own biases onto society as a whole by forcing people into little boxes and then treating their designated groups as defenseless and ignorant.

  8. My cousin was a female minister. She was hard core pro choice. Her argument was when do you consider a human a human? My response was as soon as the sperm and egg are together.
    Remember that if your parents decided to have an abortion, you wouldn't be here. This has to be the biggest argument that abortion kills.
    It also kill generations after you. They will never exist

  9. Let me tell you….half of us were not planned…..we’re not in middle school… don’t have to be friends…..Vote AGENDAS….and Biden cares my about Ukraine border than our own.

  10. 6 days! Thats the soonest that a baby's heartbeat has been detected so far. 💓 Please save the babies ❤

    God of all creation, Nurture and protect tiny children and keep them safe in the sanctuary of their mother's womb. As You so wondrously form their hearts and minds and lungs and souls, so strengthen our will to lovingly nurture and protect them.❤

  11. Don't give that man too much credit. That man was only there pretending to support women's rights just so he could meet women. Men do this all the time. I find that most men on the left, are usually pretending to understand This woke nonsense just so they can meet women.

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