New Line Cinema (1987-1994) with fanfare

New Line Cinema (1987-1994) logo has a jazz-like fanfare.


11 thoughts on “New Line Cinema (1987-1994) with fanfare

  1. Nicknames: "The Filmbox II", "Box And Filmstrips II", "The Ladder II", "New Line Filmbox II", "80s Filmbox II", "White New Line Script", "90s Filmbox"
    Logo: On a blue/white ethereal background, a black box zooms and twirls from the screen. In the background, several filmstrips float by, as the box is connected by two filmstrips. One of the filmstrips attaches itself to the side of the box, and the other filmstrip tilts to half a right angle and attaches itself to the top right of the box. The background fades to black, with the box/ladder "glowing" blue at the end. The words "NEW LINE CINEMA" fade under the logo.

  2. Nicknames: "The Filmbox II", "Box And Filmstrips II", "The Ladder II", "New Line Filmbox II", "White New Line Filmbox", "Blue Glowing Effects II"
    Logo: On a blue/white ethereal background, a black box zooms and twirls from the screen. In the background, several filmstrips float by, as the box is connected by two filmstrips. One of the filmstrips attaches itself to the side of the box, and the other filmstrip tilts to half a right angle and attaches itself to the top right of the box. The background fades to black, with the box/ladder "glowing" blue at the end. The words "NEW LINE CINEMA" fade under the logo.

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