Minnesota snow storms result in more than 1,000 crashes this month

Video clips edited by @MNDashcam
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48 thoughts on “Minnesota snow storms result in more than 1,000 crashes this month

  1. I got Toyo Proxes R1R, ladies 😎 What's good? Midwest said that's hot! For real though NEVER cheap out on tires! Even if you're down on cash, it's a worthy investment! Get the BEST tires available for your daily application. IMO should be no less than $140 for compacts, $180 each for full size cars. I do not have ABS and depend greatly on my tire compound for stopping distance. My Toyos bite HARD when breaking. Unfortunately they are soft and only last about 30k miles I think. Mine are 205/50/15 and still fit in the fender well of my 1999 Civic. Upgrading the width from stock is a good idea when possible, especially on economy compact cars that have skinny tires from the factory, which is not as common anymore in newer models except for a tiny sub compact.

  2. every parent should take their kids out and teach them how to drive on mn roads in snow, in the middle of nowhere, in an already beat up car, 101 what to do is how my dad taught me on ice/snow/rain/slush

  3. These are the same goddam idiots that slap those STUPID lawn signs on their yards: "Drive Like Your Kids Live Here" or "Slow Down – Children"..😫😭😫😭😫.
    While THEY go out and drive like the selfish idiots that they are!

  4. 4:46 Good tires are underrated. There are some bad winter tires but the people spinning out where other cars are fine are likely using all season tires and or a combination of a bad wheel bearing, drivetrain or brakes causing extra resistance in one wheel.

  5. I recently moved out of MN after 40+ years & just recently found your channel. Interesting to watch so many spots I recognize. And that @%**!@ Lowry Hill Tunnel!!! I seriously DON'T miss that in thevwinter at ALL!!
    You do a great job describing what's happening, but yeah… "who writes this stuff"?? 🤣🤣 some of it is pretty amazing video & some of it just shows the stupidity of people carelessly taking chances with other people's lives. Apparently, you nit only can't FIX stupid… but you also can't slow it down.
    Kudos to the MN State Patrol & all the other 1st responders.
    Hopefully… we're getting close to the end of winter soon. Be safe out there Minnesota!

  6. Main problem is in the usa most drivers don't have yearly inspections for safty and tyres being low on tread and all seasons tyres in states like this are all bad ideas in the uk and Europe all vehicles have to be inspected by independent government approved inspectors to meet minimum wear and safty requirements. always amazes me how many unsafe wrecks are on US roads

  7. You mean when the temp is near the freezing mark and there is, and has been snowing/raining/mixed precipitation you shouldn't drive like it's dry and 80°??? But I don't wanna do it that way. Geesh! Ppl drive like you have some brain cells. No wonder insurance is so expensive. The rest of us have to pay for the brain dead.🤬

  8. There should be driving standards for ALL drivers. I see so many of these all wheel drive cars locking up the brakes at the 1st sign of trouble.
    When you need to use the front wheels to pull yourself out. And bridges FREEZE over. No soil underneath so all steel will freeze. And watching these car going so fast.
    I really don't get it. I am blessed my Dad would take me to abandoned slick parking lots and teach me how to get out of a spin. I still do it.

  9. yout don't save nothing with not buying winter-tires… 1 set of tires = 2 years…2 sets = 4 years… 1.nov. to mid april i use winter tires, summer tires = ca. 100 dollars less than winter tires (225x50x17)… but cheaper than a little crash

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