Mike Tyson GOES OFF ON REPORTER when asked if he’s TOO OLD to fight Jake Paul!

Mike Tyson goes off on reporters who ask if hes tool old to fight Jake Paul. As Tyson cooks them and responds to the criticism that …


34 thoughts on “Mike Tyson GOES OFF ON REPORTER when asked if he’s TOO OLD to fight Jake Paul!

  1. mike your in fantastic shape for your age, you very inspiring to me, I'm a lover not a fighter, but loved watching you when growing up, I want you to knock out jake paul for me and muhammad ali, jake paul is a big mouth punk, no one like his personality, he went to far mike with those comments about your sweet little daughter, knock the bastard out mike , i'll pray for you

  2. Tyson still has the look of a snarling dangerous wounded animal cornered and unpredictable.. I have to say that I would not want to be in the same ring with him at any age whatsoever and if I was young Jake , I would pull out before Tyson does some dreadful damage like permanent brain injury . Tyson will be eager to show the world that he is on top form , with devastating fire power in his arms that to me are as powerful as the big guns on the USS Missouri . Jake is a dead man !

  3. Tyson isn't gonna be nice the closer the fight gets, he's gonna get meaner. Yet, he said in a interview that he's not gonna take whatever it was(can't remember) that calmed him. It's starting to show

  4. Anybody that thinks Tyson is told old or afraid for his well fare has never boxed a round in their life. And thanks for giving Mike a pay day while we watch you get knocked out Paul. He is going to hit you so hard you will realize you don’t have a last name.😂😂😂😂😂

  5. I honestly wish Jake could be fighting prime Mike Tyson cause I wanna see him demolished 😂 and his picking to fight e legend who is around 30 yrs older than him, that's just outrageous tbh with u. Jake needs to think about what he's doing 💯 In my eyes I don't see Jake as a boxer, I see him as a clown 🤡💯

  6. If this is a real fight, there is no way Jake has a chance. Will be nice to see how this actually plays out, cuz if Jake makes it more than a round, I call Bullshit.

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