LIVE REPLAY: Supreme Court Hears Arguments on Trump’s Presidential Immunity Case – 4/25/24

The U.S. Supreme Court will hear oral arguments for President Trump’s presidential immunity case on Thursday, April 25, 2024.


25 thoughts on “LIVE REPLAY: Supreme Court Hears Arguments on Trump’s Presidential Immunity Case – 4/25/24

  1. Well I just hope that they all remember when they're mob was outside their homes threatening their families do right for the country do right for yourself

  2. SCOTUS is biased against President Trump it's quite evident! There is no justice when Trump is concerned. SCOTUS ISN'T FAIR AND UNBIASED! This Court is an abomination and negligent in their carriage of Justice!

  3. Justice Jackson, all justices, should be phrasing when concerning "President", should be "A President", not "The President".
    "The President" has the appearance of singling out one President (Trump).
    They might as well be saying "President Trump." 🤔🤨
    If the S.C. concludes that "A President" doesn't have total immunity based on the constitution.
    Then former & future Presidents can and will be charged every time the slightest crime arises.

  4. I don't think you can separate the two positions in this case.
    President Trump was both an office holder/incumbent and candidate/office seaker.
    Which takes precedent over the other, if at all?
    It's both.
    And this idea President Trump and Republicans were using a false slate of electors to challenge some state's results is hog wash.
    You have to have the alternate slates prepared ahead of time if the challenges get moved forward by Congress. You don't wait until after those results get sent back for a recount, and then the state's ask, where are your alternate slates that should be attached?

  5. All acts whether official acts or personal acts, whether legal or illegal are covered under the law in place, the enforcement for accountability is in the hands of Congress, and it is up to Congress to impeach fully and prosecute, and after the president is fully impeached by Congress and prosecuted by federal judicial branch and for state judicial branch if the impeachable offense, has to be prosecuted in state courts instead of federal Court, then prosecute away. The statement of the special prosecutor , the crimes of bribery , treason, sedition, murder, and use of presidential power to maintain office. All these crimes by a president, Congress has the ability to hold the president accountable for anything that they feel is illegal, in the impeachment process. Example Bill Clinton , Monica Lewinsky, private act , impeached,and charges could have been brought. Obama ordered uav reaper strike against an American in another country that is his official act , no impeachment no charge, that is murder of an American citizen . The law is clear now, and Congress passes laws, the judicial branch enforces those laws..

  6. This is the context that I view the argument for President Trump in.
    But, I'm not a lawyer, just applying the answers I would have for the SC judges.
    We have 240+ years of no President using the office as an unlimited crime spree, 'get out of jail free card.'
    However, we do have singular examples of a bad decision, the wrong choice of national threats without clear criminal intent.
    ie: Obama drone strikes, collateral damage.
    Bush administration says we believe Iraq had weapons of mass destruction"

    The criminal intent must be proven in a singular national security action.
    Same with President Trump. What they're accusing him of are not hardly provable legit crimes, let alone caused a war or deaths.
    "Treason, high crimes and other mistermeanors."
    However it is something Joe Biden has repeatedly engaged in with stealing documents as a senator, VP, and shared top secret U.S. policy positions to enrich himself and his family.
    Joe Biden is the first President ever to step in the oval office with multiple felonies as senator and VP that haven't been publicly known until now.
    He continues to "thumb his nose" at the US constitution, Bill of Rights, the rule of law, equal justice.
    Joe Biden has turned the oval office into his personal criminal " Mafia Social Club".

  7. According to law in order for a president to be prosecuted the president has to be impeached by Congress to allow prosecution by the legislative branch, until the president is impeached by Congress the legislative branch can't prosecute unless the president is no longer the president. the reason behind this statement is that when the legislative branch circumvents Congress, the judge has more power than the president which makes the judge the president, but the judge isn't elected by the people they are chosen by the legislative branch. the outer limits are when president is sworn in and the next president is sworn in. in between those dates it is up to the people to reach out to their congressmen and congresswomen to investigate any alleged crimes and impeach the president and after the impeachment that causes the president to be a former president then that president would be eligible to be prosecuted, by federal judicial and state judicial officials. No man is above the law without access to accountability to those laws and there is the order in which the law is applied . Ex president Trump has full immunity until Congress impeaches him and the current administration has used their power to indict Trump, numerous times and there is proof of collusion between the white House and these indictments ( Mathew Calangello ) . If ex president Trump is allowed to be prosecuted, then the current president Biden and everyone that is involved with these prosecutions are in a conspiracy to commit election interference,selective and vindictive prosecutions, and various other federal and state crimes.

  8. There were plethora of evidence that showed irregular activities that were caught on security cameras during vote counting process in multiple states. People have seen those evidence. How com Jack Smith don't take those into consideration????? Z

  9. remember trump said if he wins he will pardon the j6rs guess what he had 14 days to pardon allof them buying votes right trumps a traitor

  10. I just wonder if all the threats that have been made to the Justices will cause them to cave. All Democrats know to do is threaten law abiding citizens and give our hard earned money to fight wars around the. world, so the military complex can stuff their pockets and those of the Senators/Congress.members. I'm afraid Americas best days are over.

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