Liar Bill Maher gets a REALITY CHECK from Megyn Kelly lol



38 thoughts on “Liar Bill Maher gets a REALITY CHECK from Megyn Kelly lol

  1. Bill you’re a fake. & Of course he’s gotta mention he smokes pot when he can’t smoke one on set. I’m a smoker and even to me that’s cringe

  2. HRC 'conceding' and then spending the next four years saying the election was stolen from her and trying to influence an impeachment/removal from office is the same (not on the same scale of evil of course) as the Grant surrendering at Appomattox and then the next 100 years enforcing Jim Crow and lynching Blacks. But, that's how Democrats roll I guess.

  3. Bill Maher is a PLANT!!!
    They're USING him to CONVINCE people to STAY in the PLANTATION!!!
    Their SLAVES are RUNNING to FREEDOM!!!
    TRUMP 2024 ❤️🇺🇲👍💯

  4. Jan 6th was the democrats creation. They took resources away from there and had agents incite the actions. The fact they use Jan 6 as their main talking point just shows how much work they put into Jan 6. They feel they covered every base to blame DJT but fell flat and now they’re desperate.

  5. Wtf is he talking about they lie and twist everything.Bill knows nothing he uses buzz words he is supposed to be political commentator.Trump did give up power.I don't know why this isn't discussed.Jan 6 had planted f.b.i they were Identified.They are on video saying storm the capitol.the guy didn't get no jail time like the rest.The police did nothing and let them in besides a few they were ordered to.I think it was a trap and they fell for it.Trump did address supporters and told them to go home but you won't hear it ln mainstream news.I would love to know what exactly does he's a threat to Democracy.Trump was the president for peace.He is the only one.War is profitable it's basically money laundering our money.Just look how much money Bush Clinton and Obama made.Bill came in with 1.3 million and left with over 200 million dollars.How is that possible on a government salary.Trump actually left office with less than he came in with.This a reason why they want him gone.With Trump in office they can't do what ever they want.They can't Use us as a personal atm machine.Its money it's always about money.They would sacrifice every one of us for money laken Riley was such sacrifice from Open border letting in anyone all to establish a new voter base.

  6. He brags that he was the only one that claimed trump wouldn't "leave the whitehouse" now he's saying "giving up power" because Trump literally left the whitehouse. Just admit you were wrong and only mad because you talked about his mama and he put your money where your mouth was. Personal animosity.

  7. Clearly there is something wrong with Maher. I don't say that being facetious but studies that are accredited regarding long term pot smoking and it's effects in the human brain exist. He is totally obsessed with Trump

  8. Bill Mahen is another brain-dead talk host like the women in the View. All of these democrats talk without investigating their subjects before the talk to their audience, so they make fools of themselves.

  9. Bill Mahen said in a talk show that President Trump was an idiot but Trump is a billionaire and was a president for 4 years while Bill is only a comedian and a talk show host. So, who is the idiot here?

  10. Mark Zuckerberg gave over 400 million dollars to pay people to create fraudulent votes for Joe Biden and the Democrats. At $10 per fraudulent vote that is 40 million fraudulent votes for Joe Biden and the Democrats.

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