It’s OVER, people!!!



24 thoughts on “It’s OVER, people!!!

  1. never underestimate the Democrats ability to cheat, lie to get what they want. Michael Cohen is a serious perjurer. and we know that. and I know for sure. this trial was rigged from the start. Then the Jerry indicted Trump on the shoddiest evidence. This is an embarrassment of our justice system. The double standard is clear. Our justice system is corrupt. And we all know that, Michael. Cohen is a big fat liar and a snake in the grass. Trump is not guilty of anything. They did not tell him what his crime was. That's that first red flag that this trial was rigged. and the prosecution's favor. It's time for these Democrats to get a taste of their own medicine. What you do in the dark will come to light. Trump, 2024.

  2. Statue of limitations my butt. New York doesn't seem to care about such a thing considering they like to change laws if only to go after one guy despite statute of limitations.

  3. So did Cohen purposely frame Trump, or was his larceny just a happy accident that he could pin on Trump 7 years later? Because I highly doubt his "ulterior motives" was to pin Trump 7 years later; he just wanted money. These people aren't smart enough to plan this 7 years in advance, during Trump's Administration, without knowing all of the events (Pandemic, lockdowns, 2020 riots, 2020 election, J6, and Biden's incompetent first term, inflation, etc…) that lead up to where we are today. These people can barely foresee anything past their arms reach.

  4. The prosecutors don’t care anything about real true crimes committed against Trump they literally only care about perceived fake crimes supposedly committed by Trump

  5. As long as, the actual act of BREAKING the LAW. The ADMITTED THEFT of $30,000.00, is justified by calling that STEALING/BREAKING THE LAW, "Rebalanced." Yeah, there is no justice!!

  6. "Bombshell, after bombshell." So what. The RIGHT could carpet bomb this B.S. trial, level the whole place, & leave nothing but scorched earth. President Trump IS going to be (well, not found, by any evidence, or facts, because the whole trial is a mockery of justice) "guilty." The Left owns everything. The MSM, all the corruption, destruction, voting, voting "inaccuracies." You name something UNconstitutional, despicable, vile, etc. The Left is deep in it. The Media, owned by the Left, has already convicted President Trump. There is only one cure for this B.S. Peacefully divide, the? no longer, United, States. Then "We" can have a Constitution following, Free market, Capitalist, Conservative, Country, based on law & ORDER (of course, FAITH for those that believe). & "They" can have a Country that is a free for all, lawless madhouse, 🤡 world, based on failed, Socialist, Liberal ideology. Let them have their destruction. After a few years of a lawless Hellscape, "They" will be begging to Unite the Country again. As long as the United States is feeding the Liberal machine, "They" will never learn that their WHOLE IDEOLOGY is WRONG!! "They" must have their own Country, & "They" must "FEED" themselves. It is not the Liberals that are keeping this Nation running. Why aren't Conservative Republicans out marching in the streets 24/7, protesting, well, everything at this point?? Because "We" HAVE JOBS. "We" are working to build the Country, while "They" are out in the streets, tearing it down. Let "They" destroy THEIR stuff, in their own Country. Not running rampant in our Country. Without "They," "We" CAN HAVE nice things.

  7. This is my problem with this channel. Mr. L. Hivemind know DAM Well this is a Kangaroo Court and Trump WILL be found Guilty on all charges. If Trump was going to get a Fair Shake, this trial would have never happened or been ended with a Directed Verdict. But that was never going to happen.

  8. I think my channel gets pushed out to liberals. I did a video about Hilary crying about Trump looming and a roast of the view and it's getting nothing but dislikes, haha. It's funny liberals can't handle the truth but that not the audience i'm looking for. If i can educate a liberal, that's cool. But once i call hilary a liar and a crybaby, they leave and give it a dislike.

  9. No unfortunately, it's not over people. The court was rigged for a conviction from the very start and that hasn't changed. No prosecutor in his right mind would go to trial with a convicted serial liar as his star witness unless the deck was stacked. No proof is required for a conviction in NY; it's enough that they don't like you.

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