Is It Time To Get Over Slavery? Black Liberals vs Black Conservatives | Middle Ground

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46 thoughts on “Is It Time To Get Over Slavery? Black Liberals vs Black Conservatives | Middle Ground

  1. Thank you to Netflix for sponsoring our Black History Month Playlist! If you enjoyed this conversation, make sure to tune-in to Amend: The Fight For America – an incredible new show that examines the revolutions and counter revolutions that have shaped our country, starting with race. Watch it only on Netflix! Check out the trailer:

  2. A lot of these conservatives are believing in something before properly researching it.

    For example, thinking black people should just 'move on' is something that cannot be done until equality is reached or at least within reach, these are the same people who think it has been and then get stunted when they find out for example in the UK Black people are stopped and searched 3x more, hence why the crime rate for black people is higher because the police in the UK are doing their job 3x more when it comes to black people, that in itself is racial bias.

    However if you remove the context and tell a blank slate 'black people are 3x more likely to commit crime' then that slate will probably have a disdain towards black people because of that, or go on racial generalisations; and honestly that adds up. People should really deeply consider all these different statistics and viewpoints before formulating an opinion.

  3. There are more slaves in the world today than there ever was when America was founded. Those still worried about slavery should focus on those 50 Million slaves!

  4. BLM as an actual organization is Marxist and calls for the destruction of the nuclear family. At one point it was on their website. Not to mention the funds that were misused to buy mansions in gated white communities like topanga canyon. Glad all that stuff has come out since this interview, and people know the truth. Wonder if any of these ppl changed their minds on it.

  5. 8:34 Just to touch on the "where did we learn Christianity from" bit – the oversimplified answer is by European, Anglo-Saxon, etc peoples/traders/etc. To say that this a major reason blacks should denounce Christianity because prior it was the "white man's faith" is problematic considering white people weren't the one's who started it. Christianity was expanded on in large part by non-black people sure, but it was founded within the cradle of ancient Judaism by Jewish/Palestinian people.
    That being said, so what if it was founded by Europeans? It's a faith largely founded on a bedrock of compassion, self-sacrifice, and mercy.

  6. Repartions will help black people recover financially a lot quicker, whitch is owed, for all the pain and suffering, our ancestors received, with no pay, black people should never forget, the Jews didn't forget, nor did the indians and chinese.

  7. Democracy is a political cult where 51% of people live on the welfare state and enslave the hardworking taxpaying 49%. America was never a Democracy. We are, and always have been, a Semi-Presidential Constitutional Republic.

  8. Not true we didn't get Christianity from white people they got it from us. Judeochristianity goes back to Genesis.These stories were written down in the first millennium BCE and evolved into the form in which we know them around 450 BCE, some 2460 years ago. Please know the history.

  9. I truly enjoy when people from different points of view can calmly and intelligently discuss topics they find important.
    I do wish the brief discussion on Black history of Christianity was more informed, however. The fact is that Christianity existed in parts of Africa long before the first slave ship ever set sail. For example, baptismal pools were found to have existed in Ethiopia prior to the trans Atlantic slave trade. Also, the long-held belief that slave masters taught slaves able Christianity isn't true to history. Slave masters didn't want slaves to become Christian for fear of exactly what eventually happened; slaves would find that the Bible refers to all races as brothers and sisters under one Father, and would call supposedly Christian slaveholders to uphold that standard. When slave masters began teaching 'Christianity' to slaves, it was truncated and distorted in such a way that ignored plain teachings and misrepresented other passages in attempts to add a moral quality to their cruel practices.
    As a former evolutionist, I'm far more surprised to find Black people advocating for the modern theory of evolution considering the basis and results of said theory seen in recent world history.

  10. Why is it that people always come out of Jubilee saying that it wasn't a conversation all they wanted to do was debate? They also complain that they were being extremely cut off and never given a chance to let out a full statement or expression? Concerning

  11. I lived in Kansas City Kansas in the neighborhood so bad that you never seen cops and if you called the cops it would take 20 to 30 minutes for them to f**** show up so don't f**** say the over policing bad neighborhoods there's not enough cops my house when I got shot up two times my car wouldn't have got the window shot out and I wouldn't have almost got hit in the head with a bullet

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