How to go up and down stairs correctly? Doctor Alekseev

Hello, I’m Doctor Alekseev – a chiropractor, neurologist, and kinesiologist. Did you know that if you descend the stairs incorrectly, …


25 thoughts on “How to go up and down stairs correctly? Doctor Alekseev

  1. If I continue watching your videos I'll soon become a super woman jajaja thanks doc we really don't know our bodies and you make me smile about how much I need to train my mind to get my body really in good health

  2. These problems also occur in people with psychological problems, if a person is treated badly they often walk about with their head down, thus the weight of the head naturally pulls the head forward into a slouching position leading to back problems and knee problems, Ive seen my patients get better in their posture during counselling especially for traume patient's, this tip just reminded me of that. Thanks doctor great channel.

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