How To Get Big And Strong? – Starting Strength Radio Clips

Since Rip has never talked about this subject, he thought he would give you the secret. It’s a secret he has kept from everyone on …


25 thoughts on “How To Get Big And Strong? – Starting Strength Radio Clips

  1. I really wish this worked for me. I can’t lift heavy without getting hurt. I was incredibly roughy on my joints and body as a whole most my life, and they just can’t handle it anymore. My wrist, elbows, shoulder, and massively lower back are just constant failure points. It’s not bad form, or lack of rest. My body just can’t fucking handle it I’ve tried and tried and tired so hard

  2. Dave Palumbo recomends 4-6 reps as well for maximum mass gains. Dorian Yates used to go down to 4 reps on his working sets as well, it is written down in his training log. I am wondering who came up with 8-12 reps. Must be Weider with its Weider principles

  3. But if you’re doing 8, 10, or 12 reps, you can still follow the thing of adding 5 pounds every workout…
    If anything I’d think you’d be able to go longer without plateauing since you wouldn’t be as close to your limit.

    If heavy weight matters most, then doing sets of 1 should be best, but I’ve done that and strength barely went up at all

  4. Eat a right foods, drink plenty of water, milk and train hard three times a week, run and sprints a few times a week and never neglect bodyweight exercises. Plus Tire Flips, Sand Bag drags and carries and farmers walks.

  5. if your benching without a spotter though, would you try to judge a margin of 1 more rep based on sets of 5? wouldn't it be safer to go for more reps so you could see failure coming? when starting out I found it hard to know if I had 1 more or even 3 more in the tank…

  6. As much crap as Rip gets, this will get you stronger faster! The key is to go up incrementally if you are intermediate or advanced as going up by 5lbs every workout isn't always feasible! Smaller jumps with progressive overload is a win-win combo!

  7. But then why not threes or fours? 3 sets of 8 or 6 sets of 4 is basically the same number of reps as 5X5. Plus, you would probably be lifting even heavier. More weight is better. Isn't that what you're saying?

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