How Going Keto Saved Our lives: The Goldkamp’s Story

When people as us why we got started with Keto, we tell to say our lives and tell it is ABSOLUTELY the case. Here is our story of …


28 thoughts on “How Going Keto Saved Our lives: The Goldkamp’s Story

  1. Ironic that Professor Borody was mentioned and that the FDA tried to silence him back then about fecal transplants even though his patients showed success – – he also did a drug trial in his hospital in 2020 during the c pandemic using three drugs – all of which were readily available yet other doctors were fired or threatened with loss of license fir using one of those drugs . Never heard of the study results but I’m assuming they were successful.

  2. I've only discovered your channel a couple of weeks ago, so, I'm trying to catch up. I am finding you have the qualities of a perfect teacher. To say I am happy to have found you is an understatement.❤

  3. Karl, thank you for giving us inspiration on health through your stories from you and Judy. I am glad you and Judy came out of the darkest hours stronger than before. I am now a believer in the PSMF and as a vegetarian, it's challenging to get to the 140 g protein for me. Eggs, nuts, and pea protein is what i am eating but i believe there's carbs and fat with them and slowing my fat/weight loss. I would appreciate some advice if you have any. Thank you!

  4. What would destroy a weak marriage, bonded you both even closer. A love, respect and appreciation for one another that is precious and priceless! God has blessed you both ❤

  5. Incredible life story for a family, thank you for sharing, glad it made you stronger and it didn't kill you.
    I have Ulcerative Colitis and have been battling it for 29 years, U am thinking it is time for GMT for me…did you do it yourself at home doctor or at the hospital/clinic?

  6. Thank you for sharing your down fall.
    Sharing your flaw had enrich my knowledge.
    To be able to heal others, man has to know and trial own self.
    All the learning medical history (past) is no more than just a diagnosis and all the learning prediction (future) is no more than a prognosis.
    Yead this is what it is…. Nostradamus.
    Any 17 years ago when I was an Rn. I worked in the post op orthopedic units.
    One day I have a chest pain.
    For many days, the pain was constant.
    The patient pressed the call bell.
    I showed up right away.
    The patient told me are you okay.
    I reply I have a chest pain but what can I help you.
    She told me for needing pain medication, sorry to bother me, and will pray for me.
    I reply I will administer the Morphine right away and don't have to pray for me.
    After that, I took report from the ER to send a 18 years old patient to the unit.
    I questioned the ER nurse why the doctor transport a 18 year old male for just vomiting to the unit.
    The ER nurse told that previous few patients discharge end up dead because of strep B.
    So this time the doctor wanted to take some precaution.
    After that, I want to know what and where the strep B is all about and the same time I wondered why I am having a chest pain and tightness in the chest.
    So I looked up the medical dictionary about strep B.
    It explained many scenario about strep B.
    One scenario is mentioned about strep B infection by having dental procedure because dirty equipment.
    The strep B can migrate from the infected tooth to the heart.
    The infection is endocarditis and serious.
    At that instant moment, I was trying to find out the 18 years male problem but in reality is my problem is right under my nose.
    I realized that I have a dental procedure about 2 weeks ago and got a heart infection.
    It was 6 pm already, doctors are gone for making round.
    Luckily I saw one doctor was still in the hallway and toward him and met him beside the room that the patient told me for praying.
    I explained the whole 9 yards and asked for antibiotic prescription.
    The doctor gave me prescription of Biaxin by mouth.
    He further elaborated that if you wait too long, you get vege in the heart valves also.
    After that I called a tech to run an ekg 12 leads.
    Sure enough the ekg result was lower ventricular enlargement.
    That night I took the antibiotic and by the next 4 days, I was back to normal health.
    So again I asked the tech to run an ekg.
    Sure enough this time the ekg was normal sinus rhythm. The paper I still kept in the file to this day.
    My point is self asking where and how in on and on like a schizophrenia will somehow strangely receiving answer of the solution.
    This is one of the many episodes I have encountered.
    This is how I stumbled and ended up found you and few other doctors through Youtude.
    2 years ago I developed diabetic and blood pressure 180 over 90.
    So I was in keto and further wanted to know how I can live to a 100.
    So you are the one mentioned about methylation and uric acid.
    Anyway I suspect that we are inside the matrix or some kind a computer.
    If you self question and asking, somehow the matrix will algorithm to direct you to that relevant knowledge.
    Anyway I thanked that you exposed your true feeling.
    The truth is priceless.

  7. God bless you and Judy! Thank you for sharing your story Dr. Much respect! Who does not see the lows cannot appreciate the heights.
    I (47 yo) have followed the same path to very low to no carbs in the last 4 years plus fasting and cardio/weight lifting. Me, my wife and our daughter are better than ever following the above-mentioned protocols.

  8. WOW! You are a brave man! I heard about the poop transplant but that is SO scary!! GERMS! OH MY!
    I saw a testimony where they just put capsules in BOTH ends & healed autism & some other things like Your bowels.
    I am SO thankful that You both were smart enough, brave, skilled & diligent enough to gain Your health!!
    Now SO gracious both of You freely give us all You have learned!! What a scary journey! MORE blessings upon You both for all You have done, are doing & hopefully will continue to do for Yourselves & all of us!!

  9. Dr. Karl that is a very inspiring story. Glad you are inquisitive and determined. We are in a strange period for medicine, the answers exist somewhere on the planet. The problem is finding the answers or getting professionals who are busy protecting their rice bowls to acknowledge them. Very glad you and Judi are okay, better than okay.

  10. Well, I decided, with my ketone levels skyrocketing to 2.2 joyously unexpectedly, despite all my body's efforts to hold me at point 5 — to continue the week impromptu on a kosher dill pickle fast, which is how I gain my satiety using salt. I then drink the pickle juice, which I find fun and nostalgic.
    It's 4 hours later, I'm at hour 72 of my impromptu fast checking ketones now a miraculous (for me) 3.4 and BS 74. I think I'll try a run at 120 hours. I'm just — wonderfully — not hungry. I have shed about 4 pounds, am in the green zone for bodyweight my height, and my exercise of choice is a few pounds of body weights so that every arm and leg movement is under load as I go about everyday business. I always supplement all the famous Vitamins to include NMN, D3, K7, Potassium chloride, trace minerals to include boron copper etc. but this challenge requires due diligence as I am nursing 5, 12 year old transplanted arteries and at 76, I'd like to get another 24 years out of them.
    Thank you for sharing your experience, you're making me take notes and I've been keto for four years after 8 years low carb1 My next projects include painting the house. I feel like the Karate Kid. Who just turned 60 by the way.
    Looks like I need to graduate into the gym next year. For now? I have 2 days pickle budget left, and I' have planned breaking my fast with Pacific cod in mustard/MCTOIL sauce 7 Oct. 2 pounds of it is 800 calories plus the sauce is 400 calories all "healthy" plant fats.
    I may even throw in a couple pickles.
    The last time I did 120 hours was 4 months ago, and had I not voluntarily stopped fasting, I could have gone on forever.
    Which of course, might have put me in a pickle.
    Thanks Doc for all you do!

  11. Amazing story Karl and Judi , you’ve both come a long way, well done to you both , can I say your channel is right up there in my top viewing channels . Thank you for sharing your great content with us all here . I find your channel very informative and I both love and admire that you’re here for all the right reasons . 😊

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