Gutfeld: This is ‘arrogant and insulting’

‘The Five’ co-hosts react to MSNBC host Stephanie Ruhle asking the president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago to tell …


33 thoughts on “Gutfeld: This is ‘arrogant and insulting’

  1. The message is not the problem…we know liars when we hear them.
    We are living the actions deliberately perpetrated by this abominable puppet administration.

  2. An economic explainer? This out of touch privelaged elitist woman needs to know we have one – ITS CALLED THE GROCERY STORE where most Americans cannot afford to buy groceries. Thats our economic explainer.

  3. Our inflation has nothing to do with our profligate spending or our oil drilling policy, our our green energy debacle.
    Inflation is all around the world and WE get shocks from outside.
    This guy is on the Fed? He sounds like an apologist for the Biden Administration.
    Drill for oil and it lowers the price of oil making EVERY THING we buy cheaper.
    Stop printing money faster than we produce goods. That drives up the price.
    Stop passing rules that force green energy that costs more money than the conventional way of producing electricity.
    Those policies are not external, they are the result of Biden's decisions…..OWN IT.

  4. Ity's not so much about prices and infltion, the overall feeling of the economy, and the country as a whole, is a much darker mood under Biden. Unlike Obama…there is no hope other than Biden losing.

  5. My Grandfather, who lived through the Depression, told me. "If folks are doing ok, a rick guy is just a lucky guy. If everyone is broke, the rich guy has a lot of power. Hecan feed your family or let you starve." Tyrants have starved out their subjects forever.

  6. Economy is doing well? Based on what? This is just another diversion from reality by elitist, hoping the voters don’t notice. Lefty liberals always change definition of words when they don’t like reality.

  7. Nothing is more pathetic than how Cult MAGA knows they can't win without peddling easy, lazy LIES!

    Because they've figured out that with social media, they know their lies can spread like wildfire before any fact refuting them is even posted!

    And falsely blaming Biden for Trump’s COVID spawned inflation and opportunistic corporate price-gouging are biggest examples of their lazy LIES!!

  8. Whenever I go to the grocery store, I am shocked at the prices. All I can think about is people with families, and they're trying to feed them, and if I feel the pinch, certainly they do. This Stephanie Rule person is a smug elitist.

  9. "Supply chain issues". Trying to spin this like we're still in the middle of a pandemic. Lame. And they're preaching to their own choir. Hopefully the folks who are feeling this do get out & vote.

  10. What moron democrats do nott under stànd Trump has a 4 year record and it was a lot better no matter how hard they try to rewrite Trumps record people lived it

  11. All we have to do is look inside our pocket book and we can see the truth. He really needs to go and investigate how it really is 😢😢😢. Seniors are hurting big time.

  12. "economic explainer"???? MSNBC… Really? The dumbing down just continues. Low IQ, low awareness, easily swayed Dem voters/viewers still swallow those turds 💩. Even better if they can barely speak English, guess who that is. 🌮 🪜 🧱 🪜🍔 🗳️

  13. Ruhle is a NYC elite. She has no idea how people are suffering in Corpus Christi, TX or Richmond, IN or Fontana, CA or Portland, OR or Erie, PA….she's a progressive dem talking head trying to sell Biden's over-spending; it's the dem's last ditch effort.

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