Megyn Kelly And Greg Gutfeld Give Bill Maher BRUTAL Reality Check On His Trump Derangement Syndrome
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treatment for TDS is touching grass at least three times a day for 15 reps
Bill took CNN pills washed down with MSNBC kool-aid for the last 8 years so he's really confused right now.
If Trump wanted a recount he could have just used the word recount isn't what you're saying that that's what you believe the same thing as Bill saying that's what he believed. You take it from what he said he said find me 11,000 votes That's what he said find me 11,000 votes I don't understand calling out Bill for his wording and then using your own wording which is the same thing just in the way it benefits you as opposed to him seems like there's no difference
Bill is far gone from the common person . He lives in a multimillion dollar mansion in Hawaii . He’s that creepy old uncle who never got married or had kids and is still trying to date 20 year old girls .
Trump derangement syndrome (males in my family just say tds ) is a straightvuo mental illness. Mostly infecting females and beta males as far as we can tell
Bill Maher is a teenager with drug induced brain damage
I wonder if Maher is researching all the things he was laughed at about believing on this book tour. I would love to hear him say he had some media-inspired lies floating around his head as truth. He won't, because it would break his brain. He drew outrageous conclusions based on a lot of falsehoods, and he would have to change his beliefs about Trump and Hillary to accept that these things are lies.
Bill M depends on others being dumb. That’s why he’s so rich
This is a perfect example of a Democrat voter.
Absolutely CLUELESS
It’s way bigger than republicans and Democrats. Go look at the declassified files. Trump was scared to declassify JFK assassination.
Us republicans… they don’t like you fool
Everybody always misses the point. What Trump did isn’t even close. What planet are you on. The republicans even said he was wrong. Go back to the day after the election in 2020
Hillary Clinton literally wrote a book and told the entire world how the election was stolen from her! My gid Bill are you really this stupid!!!
There was an attack on the capital, on May 29, 2020 by far-left protesters that forced the WH into lockdown.
Maher does not do any thing good for the country. Trump became president, then why not a third party? 11:00 Trump did not say “recount.” People need to understand trump a little better. Words make a difference in this type of business.
Bill eats the “ELITES” booty all day/night !!!
1:08 yeah ask Bernie
He isn’t misinformed guys (maher)… he’s willingly pushing propaganda. Like everyone else on Fox.
They all lied us into wars, lock downs, and vaccines.
Gutfeld gave Bill a massive taste of his own medicine with the mental illness crack. 😂
Bill Mahr is woefully misinformed because he lives in a liberal
They all
She came our before the sunrise because she will melt when its up
Both Megan and bill are idiots! Megan was one of the first people in media that treated trump very bad when he was running the first time
The only time humans should gather in large groups is when they farm together and build shelter. That's about it.
I am a Veteran, I swore an oath to protect and uphold the constitution, and I am not a friend to anyone on the left. But who’s on the left? Is it anyone who accepts an entitlement? I think so… that would include tax refunds, and of course those “conservatives” that accepted and cashed their Covid stimulus checks. My point is the only thing separating most “conservatives” from liberals is either homophobia or their supposed beliefs in God. I’m down with 1-2% of you, and the rest lack integrity. As far as Trump goes, did he clean anyone from the swamp??? NO
Oh and who’s Bill Mahr??? Not even funny, and displaced now that Hugh Hefner is dead and no longer setting him up with super young women, he’s a notch below Epstein, because Jeffrey wasn’t a communist.
Smugness, condescension, & scoffing is not an argument. Just admit you're completely ignorant on the topic you chose to discuss & argue. What a tool.
Thank you Greg for what you’ve done. ❤️🇺🇸❤️
Why is Maher a thing? His credibility is non-existant.
I’ve seen so many comments that say people have lost friends and family because that one person voted President Trump. I’ve never seen that from conservatives. They want to talk to people.
I think the current crop of communists are planning on saying the election was stolen.
Bill Maher is a Leftist nut job that will destroy this country. His full support of Biden and Gavin Newsom is all the proof you need. I will never buy any book from this leftist.
Everything the conservatives do is far right. I’d like to know WHO doesn’t want their country better?