Good Carbs: 7 Healthy Carbs to Add To Your Diet

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37 thoughts on “Good Carbs: 7 Healthy Carbs to Add To Your Diet

  1. I don’t understand how you say white rice is good for you? But I do agree brown rice is not good you. I eat black rice two or three times a week. Enjoy watching you and thanks for information.

  2. You have your own silly and nom sense recommendation in here. So, you think blueberry and healthy protein smoothies are bad now? Ok, you got our click. Disappear now with your lies. Oh I see that you have a lot of things on the table to sell and I am not buying any.

  3. You won't get sick with some good carbs since you probably have been a skinny man without women hormones. Women who are overweight and get over 40 gets hormones problems that makes them insulin resistance, so carbs ruins everything, maybe room for 20g carbs but I see it in my CGM how bad it can get.

  4. Unfortunately, all carbs are not created equal especially for people with diabetes. Low carb is truly the way to overcome T2D and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

  5. Who said avoiding carbs is only about losing weight? There are some of us who need to avoid them because of insulin resistance. Good carbs still cause my glucose to elevate and stay up for a long time. I always ate healthy carbs.

  6. I did cut carbs for a year, and lost 40lbs, but living carb free is unsustainable! Perhaps just moderate portions I thought to myself, and lo and behold, it works. Kept off weight, and am enjoying carbs (within moderation) again!

  7. Glad Ezekiel bread is on your list. I eat very little bread but occasionally like to make a sandwich and researched a “healthy” bread. Ezekiel was what I bought.

  8. Baked sweet potatoes are great with pumpkin pie spice! Don’t need butter. I don’t add any oil or butter to foods because they add unnecessary high fat calories. Love my healthy carbs!

  9. Food is expensive as it is, I can’t afford organic or grass fed meats for a family of 6. So is it pointless to get the regular version of these? 😢

  10. In January I started a very low carb keto diet. My main veggies are green leafy, brussels, broccoli, and cauliflower. Pretty much no fruits. I did lose 20 pounds by end of March but I have been on a plateau for a few weeks now. I also exercise several times weekly cardio and weight training. I am now wondering if my "lack" of colorful veggies are contributing to my weight not budging, I currently weight 170 and I am 5'3.5". I would like to get to 150 ultimately! Help!

  11. I have not seen Ezekiel bread being sold in French Baker store near my place. I enjoy sweet potato but not potato. Quinoa is too expensive so I settle for brown rice. I am a diabetic and my concern is about foods that would spike my blood sugar. I think Basmati rice, a long grained white rice, is good.

  12. Kudos to you for encouraging a balanced diet. Kudos to you to support carbs. Ppl dont understand that carbs are converted to energy/fuel to move our bodies. The problem is, we dont move enough to burn the carbs and it can get converted into stored fat. There is a balance of food we should eat, and yes, some are better than others, but ultimately, a food in its most natural state w/o all the additives is good for us.

  13. Are canned organic beans pressure cooked during the canning process? So can rinsing them well mean that we can use them in recipes if we dont have time to pressure cook some ahead?

  14. There's no one-size-fits-all with diet and nutrition. I don't tolerate carbs OR plants. I went low carb, high fat carnivore over 2 1/2 years ago as a last resort, and after much reservation, in an attempt to end years of horrible mental AND physical suffering. It turned out to be the answer for me. I absolutely thrive eating nothing but meat, fish, and eggs. When I try and reintroduce vegetables and/or carbs I get a return of symptoms. I would list out everything that was wrong with me, what I tried before carnivore, and which things resolved on carnivore (pretty much everything), but it would be WAY too long. Just know that I was suffering so badly that I used to wish I just wouldn't wake up in the morning, and now I look forward to every day. I feel better at 52 than I have since my late 20s.

    Is this how everyone should eat? No. Is it how some people should eat? Absolutely. We all have to be our own N+1 and find out what works best for us.

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