Get Massive Triceps in No Time with These 3 Proven Tips

Are you tired of having small arms? If so, then you need to watch this video! In it, we’ll show you three simple methods that will …


28 thoughts on “Get Massive Triceps in No Time with These 3 Proven Tips

  1. Structuring your exercises? What if I only do one exercise for thr triceps? I'm currently doing overhead cable extensions on Saturday and rope pushdowns on Thursdays….

  2. yeah! Man! thanks to John & his wife & family heis gone too soon now the loser cowards can comment from mommy's basement some more imyou don't need to juice to succeed just balls enough to try & stick witith it! I'm 62 on fathers day& had astroke&2 TBI s & still lifting & training i look up to men like John God bless

  3. everyday I see & hear the lazy& spoiled generation exspose themselves for who & what they are youngsters who've had everything handed to them who never worked & never were able to commit themselves to earning anything anything & never achieved anything for themselves by working for it! so they are disrespectful of those that did! while they sitting like loser screw ups waiting for those that did to age get sick or die so they can stealing! truly SAD! I feel sorry for them the lowest of all humans! cry baby's 😢😅

  4. I have made some gains using these tips. I have a lot of respect for this man’s respectful conversation and clean words. Many of the fitness channels have filthy speech. God rest this gentleman’s soul. R.I.P

  5. What can I do comparable at home? I can't get to a gym? I only have free weights and not many at that… Lol, I'm a new weight lifter. I love love love it but don't have access to machines. I'm also 59 female. Ty

  6. Sadly i had never known of John until recently. This man is amazing with his education. I have learned more things in the past month than 15 years in the gym. What makes it so inspiring is you can see his passion and dedication. The way he teaches about things that can minimize injury is something I wish I had learned two shoulder surgeries ago. John, RIP brother and thank you for the inspiration, motivation, and guidance. My only regret is not being able to tell you how amazing you are.

  7. Years ago, I developed a horrible case of elbow tendentious by starting out with heavy skull crushers. Ever since watching this video, I have warmed up my triceps using the order of exercises that he mentions and my elbows have been staying healthy.

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