“Expect Mega-Deaths” Norman Finkelstein vs Yishai Fleisher

Piers Morgan continues his coverage of the war in Gaza between Palestine and Israel by talking to Dr Mosab Nasser of FAJR …


35 thoughts on ““Expect Mega-Deaths” Norman Finkelstein vs Yishai Fleisher

  1. And ……how is this Israel fault? Where are the leaders of palestine to care for their ppl? Where are egypt and surrounding countries to take them in? Why do you think they dont take them in?

  2. The lucifer just replied to human Norman on 8 thousand israile occupants controlled 30% of Gaza, and 2 mln were packed on 70% rest of Gaza, and Lucifer told couple times Palestinians asked us not to leave😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂. They asked fashist prison guards to keep them in overpacked jail. Of course if israile said that, it is absolutely truth

  3. Biden w/all the left wing accomplices figured the time was now, to install their jack booted marxist takeover of America but were set back 4 years by Mr. President Donald Trump.

  4. My heart shattered listening to that doctor. Isrealis will have to answer to God about their actions and so will the Doctor. God bless him & his answers he will give on judgement day

  5. Did this so-called rabbi say “it’s our ancestral land, look it up in Wikipedia?” 😂😂 Normal Finkelstein was bored out of his mind until the guy mentioned Wikipedia that woke Norman right back up like what??!

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