Click here and increase brain blood flow by 17 thousand times. Try it, it WORKS!

Hello, I’m Doctor Alekseev – a chiropractor, neurologist, and kinesiologist. In this video, I want to show you and tell you about how …


39 thoughts on “Click here and increase brain blood flow by 17 thousand times. Try it, it WORKS!

  1. To increase your viewer ship , just make short videos directing showing the technique or exercise, cuz people nowadays have no time to listen to all those wise knowledge, they just want to eat the apple without knowing how it planted etc, just make short videos and see the difference in viewers numbers yourself

  2. I did this and now my brain blood flow is 1 million times increased, I am now the smartest, most intelligent person who has ever existed or will exist. I AM GOD!

  3. Dommage vous ne semblez RÉAGIR à aucun mail
    J’ai souffert durant UN AN d’un feu à la racine de la langue et effectivement vue le savais plus faire la chandelle yoga qui ravivait la douleur et ‘c’est effectivement un ostéopathe crânien (rare e 1980)qui m’a libérée de cette souffrance il a dû replacer correctement l’os hyoïde et c’est comme si le mal était sorti par la langue
    Merci pour vos investigations ciblées et permet de nous libérer de certaines problématiques 😂

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