The fetal stage of development begins around the ninth week and lasts until birth. This is when the embryo officially turns into a fetus. The fetus gets its assigned sex around nine weeks of pregnancy, although your healthcare provider can't detect it on ultrasound yet.
So you can still have abortion 6 weeks in? Then it's not a "little human"
Etymology. The word fetus (plural fetuses or feti) is related to the Latin fētus ("offspring", "bringing forth", "hatching of young") and the Greek "φυτώ" to plant.
It’s funny how science is thrown out the window to support their view. Biologically, mathematically, in reality; the human life begins when the males sperm fertilizes an egg in the female fallopian tube. Everything else is just feelings
My X had an abortion long before I met her. She had relations with a Black military member while she was in college. She never recovered emotionally from that. Always went through depression around the anniversary of her abortion. Ultimately, I paid the price when I was divorced. After 26 years of marriage.
Simple if you need somene else there property to survive its there right to give or to not give it to you.
So a baby needs its mother body to surivive. There for its a mothers right to give the her body to the baby or not. If science ever makes a way for baby to be born with out the help of a mothers body. Then all abortion is wrong and its murder. Untill then just like its my right to save starving man food its also my right not to give it at all.
Killing your baby is wrong , if these ppl didn't feel that it was wrong they wouldn't be so outraged other ppl felt it was wrong. Also guy feminists only care about female rights to get laid
How do you know something is true? You should be able to look at life and see the simplicity. How many other species have gender dysphoria? So you know that college is not teaching to question and conclude in nature but to be Agnostic and empty, or rebel against Gods nature.
It amazes how these kids are so indoctrinated. The words they utter are ECATLY what’s uttered by politicians when asked about these topics. They are utterly brainwashed to satisfy the status quo. So frikken sad. We are doomed. Politicians will be who they are and I can deal with and understand that but the fact that people of society simply go along with what they hear is unreal to me. Do people not have their own minds? Are people really that stupid?
Abortion is murder anyway you look at it, when women make a conscious consensual decision to have sex when there are multiple ways to prevent pregnancy and you take a life away based on how you feel to avoid responsibility, it’s purely evil, selfish and it’s wrong no debate!
I really enjoy the content on this channel but I wish this guy would quit it with the religious crap . It's always these religious types who are the biggest hypocrites lol keep them comming tho Charlie Kirk is great to listen to I just skip towards the end when your ranting about religion tho 🙈👍✌️
That guy is obviously gay , or transgender as they say now so he's already confused 🤣
This guy will work at McDonalds saying…you want fries with that? If hes lucky.He sounds like a liberal phylosophy professor.
They are so selfish it's disgusting
Charlie is like daniel in the lions den, Devin gets on fire in the Spirit, throwing truth bombs. Spiritual warfare. Great stuff we all need to hear.
Hes on the weed
I have having people speak over Charlie and provide their views, just let Charlie speak instead.
The fetal stage of development begins around the ninth week and lasts until birth. This is when the embryo officially turns into a fetus. The fetus gets its assigned sex around nine weeks of pregnancy, although your healthcare provider can't detect it on ultrasound yet.
So you can still have abortion 6 weeks in? Then it's not a "little human"
and i thought i was crazy…….Jeez
Etymology. The word fetus (plural fetuses or feti) is related to the Latin fētus ("offspring", "bringing forth", "hatching of young") and the Greek "φυτώ" to plant.
It’s funny how science is thrown out the window to support their view. Biologically, mathematically, in reality; the human life begins when the males sperm fertilizes an egg in the female fallopian tube. Everything else is just feelings
My X had an abortion long before I met her. She had relations with a Black military member while she was in college. She never recovered emotionally from that. Always went through depression around the anniversary of her abortion. Ultimately, I paid the price when I was divorced. After 26 years of marriage.
Charlie did what Charlie does! Gave a young man who went through the common sense zapper of entering college.. A real education!!
Simple if you need somene else there property to survive its there right to give or to not give it to you.
So a baby needs its mother body to surivive. There for its a mothers right to give the her body to the baby or not. If science ever makes a way for baby to be born with out the help of a mothers body. Then all abortion is wrong and its murder. Untill then just like its my right to save starving man food its also my right not to give it at all.
Killing your baby is wrong , if these ppl didn't feel that it was wrong they wouldn't be so outraged other ppl felt it was wrong. Also guy feminists only care about female rights to get laid
How do you know something is true? You should be able to look at life and see the simplicity. How many other species have gender dysphoria? So you know that college is not teaching to question and conclude in nature but to be Agnostic and empty, or rebel against Gods nature.
Abortion is murder. Lord Jesus help our country and these young people.
It amazes how these kids are so indoctrinated. The words they utter are ECATLY what’s uttered by politicians when asked about these topics. They are utterly brainwashed to satisfy the status quo. So frikken sad. We are doomed. Politicians will be who they are and I can deal with and understand that but the fact that people of society simply go along with what they hear is unreal to me. Do people not have their own minds? Are people really that stupid?
When Charlie brought up the fact that majority of abortions cause babies pain, that crushed me. That's so sad.
How do you know you're alive? Intuition!
We have a lot of pathetic people in the world now.
Abortion is murder anyway you look at it, when women make a conscious consensual decision to have sex when there are multiple ways to prevent pregnancy and you take a life away based on how you feel to avoid responsibility, it’s purely evil, selfish and it’s wrong no debate!
the guy in blue sweat,,,,is literally dumb . probably a college grad,,,,all that money wasted ,,,,dude go to fast food place and serve humanity.
I really enjoy the content on this channel but I wish this guy would quit it with the religious crap . It's always these religious types who are the biggest hypocrites lol keep them comming tho Charlie Kirk is great to listen to I just skip towards the end when your ranting about religion tho 🙈👍✌️