Cause for caution with weight loss drugs like Ozempic | Peter Attia, M.D.

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23 thoughts on “Cause for caution with weight loss drugs like Ozempic | Peter Attia, M.D.

  1. This medication is a miracle. We need to be honest about that. For people on it, it's important to work hard to maintain protein intake and focus on weight training. Do DXA scans every year and check your liver and kidney function through blood work. Consider thyroid US 1-2 years. Do not diminish the power of these medications.

  2. Peter, the shill for pharma companies. It's disturbing to hear a physician who doesn't from the offset say that these drugs should be the ABSOLUTE last thing you do to lose weight. And only if your weight is a risk to your health.
    These POISONS should not be recommended lightly. And the fact that doctors and pharma companies stand to make soooo much $$$$ makes me question any "expert" on their opinion on these POISONS.
    Celebrities are on TV saying how now they only eat a 1/2 bag of Doritos on Ozempic. Who is their doctor??

  3. This whole thing is the synthetic opioids scandal all over again.
    People are being sold an “eat what you want” wet dream, which is in reality a drug slavery nightmare which ensures huge profits for big Pharma in perpetuity.

    The only safe way to lose weight on a permanent basis is to redefine your relationship with food to a normal daily calorie intake.
    So stop eating fast food, bread, and fats, cut out as much pre-processed and ready made food as you can, eat more fruit, veg, and LEAN meat, use an air-fryer, and very importantly make sure at least 40% of your plate is healthy vegetables, 50% would be better. Cutting out most alcohol will help too.

    A year ago I was looking down the barrel of a very much shortened life, I had an Interstitial Lung Disease, T2 Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, High Cholesterol, a BMI of 38.1, and a raft of related issues. I took the advice above from a medical professional, and committed to it. I admit that I’ve been a selfish so and so for the last ten months, but without concentrating on me alone I could not have dreamt of achieving a target of being 140lbs.

    I’ve now lost 112lbs/51kg in 10 months, and achieved that 140lbs target. I now no longer have T2 diabetes, High BP, or High Cholesterol and my quality of life is off the scale from where I was.
    I will still eventually die from Pulmonary Fibrosis or complications from it, but that is now no longer likely to be in the short term.

    Make good choices people, you’ll feel better for it, and your family will enjoy having the person you want to be.

  4. No amount of warning works for ppl determined to take these drugs. They simply don’t care about side effects or surprising long term effects to actual organs in the body. As long as I’m thin kidney disease in a few years is fine.

  5. Funny, if you tell any one of your friends that you fasted for seven days, they'll think you're crazy. But if you inject a prescription drug, and develop a dependency on it? They get jealous!

  6. يعني الواحد يقدر ياخذ اوزمبك بس يزيد البروتين باكله ويحافظ على الرياضة عشان يعوض خسارة العضل

  7. Would recommend to watch DOAC channel on YouTube, the guest Johann Haris talks about ozempic side effects, they are horrific like thyroid cancer, pancreatitis, etc. Also by stopping to use it weight comes back.

  8. What are your thoughts on taking microdosed compound droplets of the drug I’ve heard wonderful results for not only controlling diabetes but also weight loss and improved inflammation

  9. I think no matter how good the drug is, it can't be our goto for minor things like not gaining too many pounds over Christmas. I completely understand turning to Ozempic et al. as a way to combat severe obesity cases. But the first thing you try has to be better diet and more exercise.

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