Building Muscle Vs Building Strength – What’s the Difference?

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44 thoughts on “Building Muscle Vs Building Strength – What’s the Difference?

  1. I wonder how many people out there would like to look more muscular than they currently do, feel insecure about it, and want to rationalize that more muscular people aren't necessarily stronger than them (or not THAT much stronger than them.)

  2. Then why the tech workers are less favor of creating blurredness and sex as their excuse to affect money making, it's because they have their own truth and fact filter and their own blurredness lies for control, and sex releases the neurotransmitter Dopamine contrary to the beliefs of the Darkside like Do Pa or Father. But the Neurotransmitter Serotonin somehow serve their purpose because it has Gastrointestinal effect augmentation that's why sex is in for them due to Serotonin. Though they tech groups have an enemy, the E types of the IgE because it tends to destroy negative colon and stomach bacterias.

  3. Strength. Throughout history people and being were trained to be strong in various ways like for example in the animal kingdom the preys we're the weak that's why it became a trend to strengthen and categorized done by principalities in contest against each other by utilizing their capital strength in the inherent gifts, skills, talents of person's and the accumulated strength in studies and experience and in moving forward by the augmented strength in its applications from studies, research and developments, nature studies and usage, science studies on and in Earth and from space using various science and Neuro knowledge and it's applications converted to technologies and other knowledge from the ancient in combination or in mixed type or in specific focus. While the other side of spirituality uses weakness as point of augmentation from the higher to high spiritual beings and from God the source of all wisdom. Why focusing and teaching on strength? To prepare us what lies ahead not actually lies but future events because scripturally it was written in the endtime there will be strange things we can witness that's why the 2 Witnesses of the 2 by 2 by 2 etc from the original scriptural 2 Witnesses were created and the endtime will be the maximum application of the 2 Witnesses. Strength to safeguard the souls from trickeries, lies, diversions of the opposite evils. But that's not limited to that because of the strange things to appear in the future there will be the surfacing of the different knowledge sources of their powers strength for the endtime battle and that happened because of the different co- creation types that happened simultaneously in a time frame, from time superpositions, from time travels, from portal permitted to be the vessels of journeys, one of the reason why strength was taught in us not just to earn for a living, to be of benefit and to be tools for improvement, and to augment each other strength in categories, families, and other groups, but also to watch how each Creation grows and reach their peak, how they behave and achieve their goals the watching and monitoring done by the intelligent beings, real watchers tasked by God, the intelligence agencies, tech groups, networks and G- types, aliens, Devil and Demons, Angelic Hierarchies, Light Energy and Dark Energy, and by God Himself the Alpha and Omega because God knows everything from the beginning to end but because there's real time occurrences as sudden tweak, science thing sudden occurrences, change of energies and gravities and pathways, affectors and effectors, science thing interaction, human behavior, matters realtime change of hormonal effects and behavior, science types mixings and their forward effects etc God monitors everything and He have helpers, the Holy Spirit, the courier Angels of God and God also monitors His angels and what affect their mindsets that's because of the many Earth like planets in different places and areas and dimensions and dimension habitats, from our own Earth reflections with predictable and less predictable real time events that can occur in seconds that's why Angels were tasked not to leave their posts. That grand battle event in the endtime Armageddon 1 and specially the Armageddon 2 after the 1,000 years needs to be watched and monitored.

  4. I'm all about athleticism and strength training. I never did bodybuilding. Sometimes, I'll do volume as a changeup. Power output is all about motor neuron recruitment. Muscles are controled by the Central Nervous System. Its important to balance everything out. I run too, haven't recently because of the foot injury I suffered from a 30K race I ran a few months ago.

  5. my mama told me to eat a lot and lift a lot and now i am huge there is no other tutorial you need bros go ask mama if you dont know somethin or my mama if you want

  6. Was scrolling through a sea of 14+ minute videos on this topic. Should have known PictureFit would cut through the fluff and answer the question (after a Patreon plug).

  7. Building muscle is easy, but lifting and carrying heavy things is not that easy. I think it's just being getting used to, I'm skinny and im working in a warehouse here in the Philippines. At first im struggling i thought maybe im skinny so that's why i can't lift heavy boxes. But as days and months passed, i noticed it seems to get easier, lighter and i didn't struggle. And one day my friend, who's a gym guy with buffed body and seems strong, he applied to our work. And his first day he said that this work is so heavy and he's struggling, told me that how do i manage to work here with ease even though im not that built tough. I just said that it takes time and experience. So basically, an our of lifting weights or exercising is different in a whole day at work lifting heavy things😂😂. So building strength and muscles are really different, yea having good muscle is good while building strength is just working hard because our body already have it and we don't just noticed it. we all have our own ways, im just explaining what I've learned in my experience.

  8. Have a pro watch you lift. It's worth it, even if you have to pay them a little $$$.
    You could have some errors in your lifting that are holding you back.
    I was a competitive swimmer in college.
    I was using my shoulders and arms on the bench press and had to learn to activate my chest.
    I had enough strength in my shoulders and arms to do the lifts, so that's what my body wanted to do.
    Once I learned to squeeze my pecs, my bench skyrocketed.
    A football trainer watched my bench and he noticed immediately I was not using my pecs.

  9. So I am beginning (again) to better myself. I was looking at about 75% 1RM, going 3 sets till fail or 15 reps (whichever comes first). Once I reach 15 reps with that weight, adjust my weight up to the 75% of 1RM, and repeat the process….thoughts?

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