Bodycam: The Homicide of a Beloved YouTuber

Steph Pappas’ Channel:


39 thoughts on “Bodycam: The Homicide of a Beloved YouTuber

  1. Why would they give him these tests after he already admitted to getting a head injury during the wreck. Any half decent lawyer could get all of it dismissed from the record. But, it's obvious he was drunk.

  2. Ten years for what he did is disgusting. He even tried to plead not guilty, how can he deny the state he was in ? Drink drivers and drug drivers should be charged with murder .

  3. Something disturbing that one police officer said when he picked up the driver's mobile phone – the culprit's boss on the other line. Telling her, "he's got in a little accident…just a car accident…"🙄
    Someone died, and this officer described the accident as "little" and "just."😢
    Hard to fathom!

  4. How terribly sad to lose your dad that way, my condolences to the family. People drive drunk in every city, every night, I wish they all would watch this video and stop putting lives at risk. I also wish that those convicted of DUI would serve mandatory jail time so that our country can get this heinous problem under control.

  5. How the father didn't ask if anyone else was hurt or how the other party was doing was surprisingly cold. I don't believe I heard the son ask about the other people either during the entire time out on the road and when in custody only asked "if the other car" was ok. Not the people. Think the suspects family has much more issues than drinking…and now editing this having watched till the end, my feelings were correct, seeing how he plead NOT guilty just confirms how cold and heartless he and his family is.

  6. While hes most definitely drunk in this scenario i think doing a field sobriety test immediately after a crash is a bit stupid do american police not carry breathalyzers with them? As i think that wouldve been a better solution as there is no denying it and also no chance of potential injuries being the cause of failure

  7. “We’ll get you out of here and you can go home” after killing a man, he was allowed to go home? Also, only 10 years in prison? I don’t understand these laws man. 🤦🏽‍♂️

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