Black Voters Are Finally Waking Up!!

trump #blackvoters #wakingup Black Voters At Convention Discuss Exodus From the Democrat Party Subscribe to my Secondary …


48 thoughts on “Black Voters Are Finally Waking Up!!

  1. The BEST LIFE for the CRIMINAL with Biden
    Freedom of looting, robbery, stealing…..
    Using TAX support the criminal :
    Free hotel, health care, food….
    Using Tax to DESTROY the country….
    Biden and Democrats are the CRIMINALS…

  2. I think you are an idiot. Trump got something for their Black asses! Grocery prices are not the job of the president. You got money for sneakers, why not food! These people need God and brains!!

  3. Don’t fall for the trope that one person can fix it all. Veto power and executive orders will not fix the country, that’s a mach dictatorship, so if that’s what you want…. Otherwise vote local, vote often, and vote for your congressional and senate persons, forget whoever is in the White House.

  4. Please please Black Country men and women go to a Trump rally…… You will see MAGA people will treat you well and respect you…. Trump and MAGA are for your success and well-being…….

  5. Hopefully they understand it’s not Biden doing anything. He just like Obama are puppets for the elites trying to destroy our country. That is why they absolutely hate Trump, because he doesn’t do what he is told and actually tries to make America great

  6. What difference does it make in how one steals from others? The government collects taxes on everything and everyone. They increase taxes by doubling and tripling. Double and triple increases on every product. And who is the bad guy here, the authorities or ordinary people? Of course, the authorities predict in advance that if they make changes, as in the case of colossal increases in everything, crime will increase. Just as the authorities can force the law on everything, they assume in advance that there will be protests, riots, robberies and other things. The government itself writes legal laws according to them for a given situation to use against citizens.


  8. WHY do we have to be so damn weak on the Right? 💯 "We see this in Trump BUT not really in biden"🤢🤕🤮 How bout we don't see it at all in biden bc all they are on the GLOBALISTS Left is pure WOKE

  9. All The Republicans that voted for the Civil Rights bill… The fact that more Republicans voted for the Civil Rights bill than did Democrats… So if it wasn't for Republicans voting for the Civil Rights bill, the Civil Rights bill would not have passed under Lyndon Johnson..

    When was the last time a Democrat admitted that.. when was the last time a Democrat admitted that if it wasn't for Republicans, the Civil Rights bill would not have passed….

  10. He also called for the heads of the Central Park 5 and you in that bow tie, couldn’t rent one of his apartments in the 70s

    He said you love sneakers and that you understand indictments and mugshot, in other words, black folks are criminals so you understand what he’s going through

  11. Devil and his Demons are losing. They are in fear. God is shinning his Holy Light in America. He sees all his children of all races are coming together to Love /save his children and his world.That is the reason the borders are opened. The Devil and his demons are fixing to take their final trip to HELL!

  12. Let get real. No one care. Usa never fall even you vote for biden for 4 more terms. People just don't care. Just average salary of usa can live in Philippines for 10 years. Save money from working only 5 to 6 years than you can live in Philippines for 200 years base on your money earn. So no one care 😂🎉. It is fact. Biden might win again😂🎉

  13. Waking up to what? More pandering to blacks just like the democrats? Wtf is trump gonna do? Nothin..if elected he only has 4 years..what happens after trumps gone? Same shit because all you braindead brainwashed cowards keep wanting to be lead like a slave

  14. About time my Brothers, You got it Right this time around, Get the woman on the same Page. ☮️🇺🇸 TRUMP for AMERICA 🇺🇸 President of the United States in 2024. For FREEDOM.

  15. The republican party under Trump is trying to make it harder for Black people to vote? Trump has had a white supremacist over for dinner? Trump has been seen with David Duke, the leader of the KKK. Imagine what Martin Luther King would be saying to the black people of America?
    I bet it wouldn't be get out and vote for Trump.
    Think about the struggles of black America. Is supporting Trump a step forward? Really!

  16. When you get down to it, Donald Trump doesn't care about the black community. He doesn't care about the Hispanic community. He doesn't care about the white community. He cares about Americans. And that is how it should be.

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