BASED Graduate SCHOOLS Pro Palestine Students

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50 thoughts on “BASED Graduate SCHOOLS Pro Palestine Students

  1. Every kid (including MY generation) looked for a “cause”. Covid made it so many of these kids are overdue so they’re all grasping at “causes” just to matter. They want their thoughts to be taken seriously, heard, and respected. They DEMAND it – we all did. 😉🤣
    They didn’t invent the issue any more than we did back in the day. The diff is that these kids today weren’t raised to respect other peoples rights, property, etc. These entitled little shits that tear up their college campuses for a cause should be prosecuted for the disrespect and damage. But again, that’s not entirely the kids fault – they have parents who clearly missed a couple chapters in the parenting handbook!!

  2. I have seen immigrants flying to the US, graduating with masters, getting a good IT jobs. And now we have our folks and doing unwanted stuff 🦧

  3. It’s great… these videos will be available to those students kids someday and when their kids see these types of clips of a young mom and dad… would love to know what they think of good ol’ ma and pops… haha

  4. Ignorance among Americans is natural.

    We did not expect much from you or expect your compassion for us

    but giving false information such as that the goal of the resistance is to end Judaism or that Palestine was under Egyptian rule is all false information.

    i thoughts better from a black man who should have feel of Justice

    but i only see someone who laugh about people get destroy by a military forces

  5. The only proper thing that needs to be done to solve the Israel and Palestine crisis, is to find or locate many, many acres of vacant land far away from Palestine, for the Jews to occupy, and have the U.N. council to start a massive Exodus of those Jews onto the vacant land,so that they can build their own country, giving the Palestinians their land back, that is rightfully theirs to begin with.

  6. 5:59 châmâs? This is who they are and what they were told to do by the imams. "Kill men, capture women" interrogation video of 6 captured Hamas jih-adists who invaded Israel's kibbutz October 7th [but they killed women and children] and set fires 🔥  (they were promised $2,000 and an apartment ) 11:25 (hamas leaders lied to us, also Qatar and Turkey.  (  ?  ) Hamas leaders betrayed them and destroyed Gaza.

  7. The truth is that the Jews of today's Israel, they have only been on that land, in Palestine, for only about 74 or 75 years, land which the U.N. council stole from the Palestinians after World-War 2 (1945), so that's why the Palestinians have been warring with those Jews ever since, it's all about land that was stolen from them unjustly, and land that needs to be returned to the Palestinians, before peace can be accomplished between the Jews and the Palestinians.

  8. In John 8:42-44, Jesus confronts the "Jewish-Cabal" ————- read the new international version, read the English standard version, and the King James version,all in order to get a clearer understanding.

  9. The "Jewish-Cabal" are also the ones who Jesus chased out of the temple with the lashes of his whip, while calling them a "Den of thieves", because they were the "Money-Changers" who were perverting the currency, within society, inside of the temple, by converting the currency into "Debt-Currency"(john 2:15-17 the new international version, read the new living translation, read the English standard version, and read the King James version, all in order to get a clearer understanding).

  10. The "Jewish-Cabal" is also responsible for producing"Debt-Currency"(FEDERAL-RESERVE NOTES), that is used to subvert a nation's, Monetary-system, in order to overthrow its government, and to take possession of their nation's land.

  11. In Revelations 2:9 and Revelations 3:9, it clearly says that the ones who calls themselves the true Jews, who live in today's Israel, are not God's chosen people of the Bible,but rather, they are imposters who are of the synagogue of Satan(devil-worshippers). Even though the Jews of today's Israel, for the most part, are a peace-loving people, but the problem is that they habor within their nation a religious-sect, that calls themselves the "Jewish-Cabal", who are worshippers of Satan, whose mission it is to execute Satan's original plan ———— since the time of Satan's fall to earth, when him and the other fallen angels were kicked out of heaven ———– his plan of bringing about the "New World -Order"(World-Wide Slavery) through the practice of "Globalism".

  12. Most religious people strictly follow the popular teachings of their pastors, priests, or of other clergymen, about what they assume are the true ways of God, without question, not knowing whether or not it is true,but, that is not how God said to seek truth (2 Timothy 2:15).

  13. Proverbs 10:17 read the new international version, read the new living translation, read the English standard version, and read the King James version, all in order to get a clearer understanding.

  14. But the true test of their genuine commitment or dedication to the one true God, comes when they find out that what they believed(or assumed) to be true information about God's word, actually is not true and that God never said it,nor even supported it; now the question is that, are they courageous enough to be able to set the record straight, about what the truth really is concerning their findings———— going against conventional and popular belief, in order to remove a lie from prevailing in society———– or are they going to continue to stay complacent supporting, and putting forth what they found out is indeed a lie? ; proverbs 8:33 read the new international version, read the new living translation,read the English standard version,and read the King James version, all in order to get a clearer understanding.

  15. Most people have become complacent and comfortable with claiming to be devout followers of the one true God———- and I am not talking about being a member of some type of religion, because that is just the politics or man's interpretation or theory, of what it means to know God,but in truth, God nor his son does not identify themselves with no type of religion————– only when it is convenient or popular to do so.

  16. Jewish IS NOT A RACE. Judaism is the OLDEST religion in the world. According to Scripture the Jewish Sanhedrin was directly responsible for the arrest, trial and conviction of Jesus of Nazareth, because they felt He had too much influence and power over the people. Jesus is their own Jewish prophet but they do not believe that Christ was God in the flesh and did not raise from the dead after His crucifixion. The Roman Empire who enslaved the Jews carried out the crucifixion of Christ, not the Jews. Based on my personal research, this the main reason why most dislike Jewish people. Now the common enemy of the Jews and Christians are the Muslims. Hamas is Islam. Their prophet Mohammed was a sex slave trader, pedophile and murderer who started the Islamic religion. Knowledge is power. Know thy enemy and it's not Jews or Christians.

  17. It doesn’t matter what he says… they will willfully forget what he told them and continue to be a part of the crowd chanting death to Israel.

  18. If these young people want to help the Palestine people, then jump on a plane fly there and volunteer to help them. I can just about guarantee if you charted a plane and offered free flight you wouldn't get one of these young people to get on the plane.

  19. A two state solution????? Why create a situation where the violent past will continue forever. When a country and it's leaders want you wiped off the map, not much there to build a future two state on. Occupiers???? The region was called Judea before named palestine. Not a Arab sounding name. Jews were chased off the land twice by Rome before it got it's current name.

  20. They pay 50 to 100k for a useless degree and almost all their information comes from left wing tik tok. College students are the least intelligent people in America.

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