Alex Honnold Breaks Down Extreme Climbing In Movies & TV | GQ Sports

Professional rock climber and free-solo ascent master Alex Honnold is back to break down more rock climbing scenes from …


37 thoughts on “Alex Honnold Breaks Down Extreme Climbing In Movies & TV | GQ Sports

  1. Yea, there's basically 3 options these days for ledges/sleeping, the porta-ledge as he said, the hammock style (there's one called the taco that seems pretty popular), and then there's this kinda weird cross between a porta-ledge, a hammock, and an air mattress that some people swear by.

  2. His first point is not so true. We are afraid of hights aswell as falling. It has to do with dimensions around us. In rock climbing its not my biggest problem but indoors im so scared. If I stand in a church looking far up on the ceiling I get scared. People are not normally afraid of dying because its an unknown concept, we are afraid of what we feel when we feel it. Such as being on stage, looking up or down, and so on.

  3. I absolutely love this! My dad loves to point out bloopers in any movie. He was a carpenter by trade until he retired, but a professional movie blooper spotter 🤣🤣🤣🤣

  4. Speaking of building toughness in kids, my elementary school gym teacher had us 1st or 2nd graders climb a thick rope all the way to the high gym ceiling — without any belaying ropes or safety gear, other than a pad at the bottom and a hulk of a gym teacher standing underneath, who would presumably catch us if we fell… lol – I doubt schools would get away with doing that these days – this was early 80s.

  5. My head spins and i feel dizzy even if i look out of my bedroom window. I am nog afraid of falling nor of dying because there are bars. How do you call that if not fear of heights?

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