Snatched Waist Deep Core Workout – 10 min No equipment | Hourglass Challenge

This is a 10 min abs and core workout that is part of the 2023 Hourglass Challenge. There’s 12 abs exercises in this workout, no …


34 thoughts on “Snatched Waist Deep Core Workout – 10 min No equipment | Hourglass Challenge

  1. Followed a programm by Chloe a good 3 years ago and felt like I was in my best shape in years!
    Unfortunely I got sick in the following spring and needed to get surgery, causing me to gain weight in the months after.
    Now back for round 2! Hoping it will help me out again

  2. 2 senedir universite sinavi icin calisiyorum, duzgun bir spor rutini olusturamadim, simdi yeniden denemeye geldim, umarım hep beraber istedigimiz formu elde ederiz (go girl 💖)

  3. Day 1 ✅ (felt good only did one time)
    Day 2 ✅( im gonna do it 3 times today)
    Day 3✅( " " " ) I haven't seen any changes yet though but I'll keep U updated!( Did it 4 times I can see the results by now)
    Day 4✅( I'ma do it 4 times again!)

  4. هذا التمارين شويه صعبه بس مع الاستمرار بتكون في مرونه بالعضلات خياليه كل الي تسويه وحنا نستصعبه او ماتكون الحركات نفسها بالضبط مع الاسمرار رح تشوفو نتيجه تجنن وانتم مادقنتو الحركات بس حاولو ولا تجهدو انفسكم❤❤

  5. I’ve been doing this workout for 12 days now and am yet to see any progress. I do the workout every morning and work to feel the burn, and I diet very strictly. I added the workout to my regular routine and did not change my calorie intake at all, but I’ve gained 2% body fat, and 5 pounds. I’m trying to stay positive but my motivation is decreasing. I’m going to try and stay on the workout but if anyone has any advice to loose weight fast please let me know! I feel gross in my own skin right now…

  6. Like my comment and I’m genuinely keep reminding bc Inness loose weight n keep it off , Day 1: I am sweating I thjnk I did my best not the BEST BEST THO BUT YEAB

  7. I wanted to help others with this comment ♥️

    It really does work!
    It’s my favourite workout so far because it feel way easier than others.

    I’ve been getting ab lines from this workout, never from others 🥰😍

    Try it and stay consistent!
    I try to do this 2-3 times a week with weights.

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