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48 thoughts on “Ben Shapiro DESTROYS Joy Behar in HILARIOUS TWEET! The View LOSES IT!

  1. Ben Shapiro and Candice Owen’s are two of the best and brightest minds in the country. Whoopi and Red, are a couple of Crayola
    Eaters. Not it even near the debating or intelligence level. Certainly not capable of sustaining much following them in an oral conversation.
    It would be engaging in a war of words, without ammunition!

  2. As a conservative female with a high IQ, I don't watch the view, I don't understand how this is considered entertainment. In a verbal joust I have no doubt that they are no match for someone like Ben.

  3. The View presenters are definitely not the sharpest tools in the tool box are they? Shapiro will destroy them if they let him speak to the audience. The View ignore the facts of the world and are still on air after hatred speech about Jews and supporting Hitler and the concentration camps weren't real. Why do you suppose the Generals of the day ordered every thing get documented and filmed? How do you think this is going to turn out for Whoopie?

  4. "Sellers earned a bachelor's degree in African-American Studies" … yeah, that's a real hard degree. HA! Yeah, he has a JD from South Carolina, but again, it's not like a law degree is all that hard anymore, especially from a two-bit college like U of SC (not known for being a good law school … it's ranked #66 of all law schools). He's just another Democrat race hustler.

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