10 Exercises Every Man MUST Avoid!

There are no inherently bad exercises but there are exercises that are less effective, make you more prone to injury, or are just …


46 thoughts on “10 Exercises Every Man MUST Avoid!

  1. Side bends done properly , can build amazing abs, with the majority of growth going to sides of the group. It's about form, purpose , and knowing when and how to use the movement.
    In fact all of these are quite useful if done properly, and done with a purpose. Not everyone needs these movements, simple js always best for anyone who isn't going into a show.
    If you wamt to shock your muscles, you don't need some special trainer, plan to the wall and need to shake things up. Use barbells for the first 8 weeks, then dumbells for the next 4, then use both for the final 6 weeks. If your keeping track of gains , what needs to be worked and what is doing well, it's not really hard to shake things up! I trained my entire life since 14 years old, I'm 45 now, I have been I'm magazines and modeled I'm the late 90s and early 2000s, all done with no coach , no gear , I competed 15 times , won 3 times, came in top 3 10 times, and I had two I didn't do well in that helped me learn what and how to improve.
    Just have fun! The second it becomes work, that's when your time is about up. I stepped away when I started to not enjoy it, it wasn't fun, even though I was winning at the time, my most beloved activity became hell for me , so I decided it was time to step away a bit and get back to enjoying what I love. Train for yourself , not girls, not a trophy or prize, train put of love, the rest comes with it.

  2. Kipping pull-up isn't that. That's the butterfly pull-up. They aren't meant to focus on strength, but on intensity. To perform then you need to master strict pull-ups. WTF with this video tbh.

  3. I don't agree (and nor does the majority of evidence-based literature) on two of your picks here (especially the way they are being demonstrated). Seated hamstring curls versus laying = your demo is limiting full ROM on seated for full hamstring stretch. Secondly, skullcrushers are nearly a unanimous pick for top 2 exercises long-head tricep. If people are doing ANY exercise wrong they are going to risk injury, but the evidence on this exercise being one of the best is too good to ignore. If you are ego-lifting and/or "alpha" presenting in the gym.. you are just rolling a lottery on when or if the injury is going to occur, but doing a well-formed skullcrusher is not likely to produce injury. Otherwise, like the video.

  4. When are you ever going to use your hamstrings in a seated position like that? Not walking. Not running or jogging.
    I guess maybe getting up off the floor? Cause you get off the floor more time during the day than you stand or walk.

    Im not even watching the rest of this basura

  5. I like the videos but I cringe so f hard when I see him playing dumb and making stupid faces and stuff and acting like a clown. It completely destroys the video for me.

  6. At 73, I” kind of relieved to know I should replace the lying dumbbell flies with the seated machine chest fly and the lying leg curl with the seated leg curl. This is a comforting change. 👍

  7. So if you guys are having a problem with elbow pain from barbell or EZ bar skull crushers, then take two dumbbells and press them together with a hammer grip. Its like moving a bar with the hammer grip. When I switched to these I blew up by triceps and got up to using 50's for 15 reps. I also like to do one set to failure at each angle of the adjustable bench. Great pump.

  8. Your not even doing the skull crushers properly it’s supposed to be lowered onto down towards your forehead, you’re the type of spastic to say upright rows cause shoulder injuries when in reality it’s all about how much weight your supposed to put on it. Not how much YOU want to put on it.

  9. Kipping pullups:O 06:20 holy sh.. I replace dumbbell fly with gym. rings, though not as safe as the cable fly. I already do the reverse lunges, I mean the variation from the "only three exercise for legs" video – with one leg raised on the bench, and I have never felt that much activation on the glutes. Ty

  10. I agree with most of these, but still do skull crushers and lying leg curls. Just warmup the tris with another movement first like pushdowns. I would do the leg curls seated if my gym had a better machine. I was doing side bends too, but recently had a hernia and now use the torso rotary mach.

  11. I do cable skull crushers while standing with the cable angle coming from down low instead of high. A cable tricep extension the "right way". They work very well. I also do the standard tricep push downs.

  12. For athletic training you need mobility and behind the neck is great for mobility and rotater cuff but you need to develop the mobility with special Olympic weight lifting warm up.

  13. Hmmm, interesting. This means I need to eliminate or find other alternatives for 5 of my “go to exercises”. Approaching my 76th birthday so I guess I’m going to eliminate the risky movements and also lower my reps to save my joints. Thanks for a very informative video.

  14. leg curls and extensions are terrible for your knees, just do normal squats and lunges or bulgarian split squats. They are way better and safer for your joints and also strenghten your tendons over time.

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