Zuzka Light – ZWOW # 44 PREVIEW Thanksgiving Throwdown!!
To get all my NEW workouts and follow my weekly schedules go to my website: https://zuzkalight.com …
To get all my NEW workouts and follow my weekly schedules go to my website: https://zuzkalight.com …
Zuzka, if we are able to, do you want us to squat lower than parallel in the jump squats? I know in later videos you encourage us to have our butt below our knees for different squat variations.
Zuzka, can I have a job? I want to work for you, I'll clean the set or bring you water or whatever, jk…not. I just love your workouts and am gaining strength, but I cannot lose weight. My diet isn't strict enough I guess and I have a thyroid issue that keeps me fat no matter what. I have given up in the past because I get discouraged about trying so hard and staying at 200 lbs. I never thought I would be 200 pounds it is affecting every aspect of my life, especially my relationship because I feel so disgusting for being 208 pounds. I cannot believe it. I will not give up this time. It is hard because I am not in a good place financially so I get depressed and discouraged, but I have been consistently working out for almost a month (5-6 days a week), And I will keep it up, because you are an inspiration as well as all the skinny girls in their little summer outfits. I get so jealous but I need to just focus my energy on improving my body. I hope to see more kettlebell workouts as those are my favorites and I am becoming obsessed with kettlebells. I hope someday to become a certified kettlebell trainer. Anyway I just wanted to share a little of my story and if you do another 30 day challenge or anything where you work with some fans to help them lose weight I would love to be a part of that. I wish I had a blog to link to (I was going to start one, but I had to sell my camera and I feel I can't really have a food/exercise/crochet blog without a decent camera.) Sorry for rambling, it is late at night and I have too much energy from just finishing ZWOW 35. (doing old zwows because I am too broke for zgym this month.) Ciao! Love you Z!
Thank you so much for selling sports and not sex.
And for really doing the good old BW-exercises instead of trying to sell as much gear as possible to your fans.
Thank you very much! You are awesome!
nice body sexy
softly on the ball so beautifully xDD
Great series, Zuzka! Doing this right now.
YES! it is! ahahahahaahaha
Thanx for that laugh today 🙂
Zuzana should be on the cover of magazines because clearly she is one of the sexiest women alive.
Wow u need to post this workout! Now or I may pick another workout to do than.!
oh my, peanut butter with honey, that sounds so sweeeeet. drink a lot water afterward. XD
Im waiting for the workout hoping you post it soon!! Before I leave to my grandmas house!
I'm waiting for the workout!!! Post it now please. Before I dont have time.
well it's Thursday,and no full workout with the reps. guess i will make something up like 10 reps each, max rounds in 15 minutes.
WOW! That's look very good! I've always had a problem with those side planks, but every time I try to beat myself. I can't wait for the whole workout – see you :*
Miss her gorgeous smile 😀
"i'm using bam bam bam bam illegally and dumbell"
I fall in love with Peanut butter when I was living in USA. I can't be without peanut butter!
Have you tried Peanut butter sandwich with honey?
Zuzana, PLEASE include the # of reps for each exercise in the pre-workout video.
when I am done with this semester, I am going to do a 30-day challenge of Zuzka Workouts. One month: intense changes . who widdit!
and you! : )
i realy love your work
I am with you….I needed this exercise.. Thanks ..