You Won’t Believe What Happened at Biden’s Kenyan Press Conference

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44 thoughts on “You Won’t Believe What Happened at Biden’s Kenyan Press Conference

  1. 😂 Joe Biden is a freaking joke I would not vote for him if he was the only one running he is nothing but a crooked son of a b** and I hope to help Trump has his ass put in jail right next to his son

  2. Thank you for this very entertaining video, showing how the senior officer of the United States Armed Forces handles questions regarding
    his plans for "taking care of business". That "woe !" at the end was his reaction to seeing everybody get up at once to ask him questions. It overwhelmed him. If this guy were a car, he'd have been sent to the junk yard a long time ago !

  3. Americans don't like to change leadership in a conflict. Everybody keep watch that the people in the background don't start a world conflict just to keep him in.

  4. I hope bidens handlers will all be exposed and held accountable for the damage they have done to biden, the citizens of the USA and damaged caused all over the world. They have enabled this whole circus and we need to know who each of them are. This is wizard of oz and who is really behind the curtain calling the shots that are destroying America.

  5. This guy spent 850 billion dollars on student loans and that money is our tax money that money is enough to support the Marines entire budget and if he needs to piss away money add some to our social security check and use that where it's needed and take some of the illegal immigrants money to the social security they get more than we do and everything to them is free Joe Biden is a TRAITOR and a walking cluster F

  6. I wonder if all the Democrats even the voters have got to have somebody to lead them around is that why you're killing babies because you're worse than babies you don't know where you are

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